Next week Hero 30 Hints?

Better window is the 18 though the 8. Talked about it here: 🎬 Things to look forward to this week

It’s the shoe from Monopoly.


its actual balance changes!

… a man can dream, cant he?

…What a random thing to say… Nice?

Blizz has gotten good about obfuscating the hero revealed… I don’t buy the big clunky head business on Temple of AN00bis… too obvious… but then, no one knew what to make of the cart egg for Echo… but the head thing is just too obvious.

The Paris map is most likely a clue, betting on some Omnic revolutionary possibly… but even that is a little too obvious…

(Whispering insides at the back of your skull, sounding like someone saying “Leonora”, but you dismiss it because that’s not “Input Hero Your Too Hyped About Here.”)

I think it would be really interesting actually but I cannot imagine what the powerset would be unless she is the magnetic powers concept they talked about in the past… it might explain her penchant for sculpture…

Paris still having the reputation as an Art center would fit nicely.

Talked about the concept here: 🤯 Imagine if Canvas and Leonora end up being the one and the same as Hero 30

It seemed to be debunked by Master Ian Gamer who found that the head has always been there. Ever since the beginning of the game.


The next hint will probably make it clear, I hope.

I honestly would rather have Leonora over that head guy from Anubis, which was thankfully proven not to be new.

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Yeah that was dis-proven like a month ago, so I can get the confusion.



It will have a stun

I sure hope you’re wrong ´ - `

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I think Healing of some Type because

We have 7 Tanks and 6 Supports.

If that’s the case I assume Echo would be 32 or later. So as to avoid role releases being repeated.

Whatever it is, I hope I like it.
And that it isn’t broken so it doesn’t get nerfed to oblivion, please.

Here’s a sneak peek of the new Hero 30. Enjoy! :laughing:

(Sorry, couldn’t resist.)

Guessing it’s the head, 2nd to the right.

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“Murr hurr mphuphurrur, hurr mph phrr.”

Nawh its totally jetpack cat :^3

Right… anyway: 🛰 Bastet - A Short Story | Overwatch Fanmade Audiobook Enjoy this Audiobook.

It’s likely the only clue we will have for a week or more… Besides the new map. (Unless it isn’t a clue, in that case, it will waste a lot of good pointless time.)