Next hero being hunted/nerfed?

the sad thing is it’s going to be somebody.


Healing nerf?
Orb cooldown increased?

I see this could happen since Mercy and Brigitte got nerfed and Ana “requires skill”

Ana was a viable alternative actually.

You could run Hanzo/Zarya/zenyatta/Brigitte/Reinhardt and an Ana or Mercy.
Mercy could damage boost the Hanzo or Ana could nade the pile, either of which would negate Zenyatta’s ultimate allowing for a team wipe.

Ana’s turn incoming.

Blizzard will change Mercy again next year for no reason and she will be hunted once more.

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I think people will start to fear Reaper without brigitte. I’ve got 4 endorsments for my last game as Reaper. I was scary.

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It was only because Hanzo and Mercy’s interaction was broken and they could outdamage transcendence, so healing boost with nade + trans was the only capable form of survival for a team. Otherwhise, people just ran Mercy because she was much, much better.

Well for me the knockback makes him worse because A.) It gives the enemy a chance to run away before they die and B.) It’s hard to knock people off the cliffs of a map because they can easily control themselves, and it’s more of a vertical push rather than horizontal.

If they lower the force of concussion mines, it would push the enemies a less of a far distance, in turn buffing him.

But he did say “CC abilities that remove air control”. Concussion mines don’t limit air control, the enemy sill has perfect control over were they land. He’s probably talking about flashbang, uppercut, etc.

Easy answer: Sombra and, maybe Mercy.

I don’t think D.Va will get any more nerfs. At most a bigger damage falloff on her ult

Probably Symmetra tbh

Well they said CC allows mobility to exist.

Yet they nerf CC but I don’t recall them ever doing much with mobility that wasn’t considered a bug.

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Maybe you are right: but that doesn’t mean the swarm of threads will stop.

Nah, Symmetra still needs buffs before being hunted

We will have to wait and see :thinking:

Everything about that combination was broken, putting the enemy team into a state where they were both unable to move and unable to block incoming damage made Zenyatta a required pick as the only option remaining was to have unreasonable healing output to negate the combo. Mercy/Ana was a band aid to cover the last possibility to counter the combo.

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Let’s just keep up the doom nerfs!

Reduce Uppercut height to .3m
Reduce Uppercut damage from 50 to 10
Reduce max Rocket Punch distance to 1m
Reduce max Rocket Punch damage to 10 + 5
Seismic slam now heals enemies for 175
And ban people for playing him because they’re immoral hero abusers

BAHAHAHAHAah why would they fear one of the worse heroes in the game

Sixty percent pick rate, fifty plus percent win rate across the board. I don’t know man that seems like there is some very nice power there heavily bordering on OP.

You never know what to expect from the forums