New York Excelsior vs. Vancouver Titans - Stage 2 Semi-Finals - FINAL

so a cancerous mei existing on the point made NYXL go to OT and basically gave Titans a free win

what an absolute disaster of a gamemode

VeRy CoMpEtETiVe

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I’ve seen worse matches on Hanamura. ^^

After Map 3 - First to Four


WATCH LIVE: TwitchOverwatch LeagueESPN3

well lets not forget that it wouldve been even less competitive if NYXL couldnt stall in their initial defense…cause vancouver was all over them…they couldve easily had a 4 minute time bank…

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Nobody cares that 10,000 children will starve to death today alone…yet the Titans go on an 18-game winning streak and everyone loses it…

No u

Along with Titans holding them off for… 8 minutes while NYXL could only do it for 6 minutes. Honestly, there were way more faults leading up to that than the singular moment at the end.

You forgot this part…

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Can’t believe it but i’m actually getting a little tilted at the Titans. Bumper doesn’t die lol


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So Vancouver takes NYXL to Hanamura, where they’re undefeated, and wins. How does New York respond? By taking Vancouver to Rialto, where the Titans hold the fastest and 3rd fastest completions.

In awe of the guts of these teams, absolute units

Vancouver having to play against a decent team really has proven how over hyped Bumper is to me. :man_shrugging:



lotta characters req

You still think that Vancouver will drop a series against anyone ? Optimistic , quite optimistic.

JJonak is tilted or something man, he keeps screwing up.

He/the entire team is so aggro.

Vancouver really goes all in when dropping ults. Sometimes they can clutch it out and pull it off, but they look incredibly amateurish when they don’t.

and now you have to prevent them from finishing…

this will prob be most important round of match coming up

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Mano’s been doing a great job of being patient and capitalizing on Bumper’s bloodlust.

commentators were actually off there…jjonak had trance before twilight had hit 50%…just incredible

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This is already a better defence than some teams have put up on Rialto against Vancouver