New York Excelsior vs. Houston Outlaws - FINAL

Does Brig ever let go off mouse 1 for a second in any game ever?

Such micro-decisions… much skill.

saw it again now?
the same story

Houston stopped them but this is still a 4-0.

saw it? there was 2ults vs 2 ults - they stunned rein and defended because they had 2 ults alvalible

Nope. Her and Lucio are pretty important in GOATS since they have AOE healing.

Whoa! The Platinum Outlaws held NYXL.

You missed the point again. You think it’s luck when it’s people paying attention to which abilities have been used and which ults should be online based on different factors.

But I respect your right to be wrong.

I knew this loss was coming, but it still stings. I might just go play OW now and watch VODs later…

just let him think its luck. some people wont listen

finally different comp

houston right now…

Not GOATs lol. They holding back their true strength


anddddddd they’re all gonna switch to goats, it was nice while it lasted

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if u saw these comps in ranked on your team everyone would instantly be triggered

And Houston just saved themselves from a full shutout.

Awwww no perfect sweep :frowning:

Annnnnnnnd I spoke too soon…

nyxl just practicing their stage 2 comp…

Back to GOATS… yay.