New York Excelsior vs. Florida Mayhem - FINAL

Ok…what was the crowd giving the collective thumbs up for?

Agreed, its most of the time better to leave only 1 on the payload when the fight for space is more important. The speed gain by keeping three on the payload is not significant enough versus fighting for prime areas of the map. Florida Mayhem however got too greedy on the streets of King’s Row when they tried to fight a 5v5.

Yupp and I still find this stupid, at least to go THAT deep. And single push the payload is just to slow. Maybe it’s “pro play” but pro’s also think Pharah counters Pharah so I don’t give much about such tactics.

A Pharah dogfight is effective to prevent either Pharah from attacking the other members of the team. Remember with the objective based gameplay of Overwatch, survivablity is more important than simply getting kills.

thought that McMayhems will be able to go further, but this hold
(edit - posted this too fast… here we go) :smiley:
… next game was supposed to start ar 2.15AM (here) it seems that it will start earlier :slight_smile:

You lose again…PAY UP!

The first 3 games clearly agreed to go quickly so that LAG can play with their food without fear of overrunning

I don’t think so. A dead enemy is no threat and binding 2 heroes of each team (Mercy+Pharah) to run endless dogfights instead of focussing the objective is not the best strategy imho. (I play objective oriented tbh).

In Other news, FLorida made it to the 2. point, wow. :sweat_smile:

who decides the team schedules?
NY schedule is just sad, like, just hand them some stat padding.
compare theirs to FL’s, geez… kinda not even worth watching.

tsk tsk, i said no more than 5. They got exactly 5.

Florida’s Rein had no freaking clue what he was doing…

The Overwatch League office does.

Final Score


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Void pulled off a similar self destruct


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GOATS summed up in a few words.

Exactly. It is the fundamental rule that brought Goats into existence.