True. But he has only one defensive cd that let him to keep up his work, while Genji and Tracer has 2. That is his biggest problem. That’s simmilar to Sombra’s problem too… imo.
I have a bad feeling he will be a monster against tanks (so we get an another tank buster) but remains bad against squishies
I agree, but isn’t that his intended purpose ?
He was designed from the start to be the tank-buster - so much so that they outright nerfed Mccree’s right-click stating they weren’t happy about him being a tank buster.
They also nerfed D.VA’s Armor specifically because it made it so that even Reaper was struggling against her.
So Reaper being less effective against Squishy targets in exchange for being an unkillable monster against tanks at least gives him a niche to be in.
I’m still not clear on what they think Pharah is suppose to be at this stage.
What purpose will that serve? You already got another tankbuster in hog again, you got DF still who can mess with every other tank bar orisa and hanzo who can do the job of every other dps better
Reaper was already fine vs tanks 1v1 already so this does nothing for him
He just does more focused and consistent damage. Right? That was the point of the change in the first place. So what if you have to aim a little more than before. You’ll survive
The video OP posted is with the updated PTR where his spread has yet again been tweaked. AKA after Jeff’s response.
It details that it’s a nerf outside of 6m, and nearly the same consistency within 6m. He’s always been mostly consistent within that range. So this is a nerf because now he’s just getting even worse at a range he’s always been mostly inconsistent at for his entire lifespan.
He still has damage-falloff so you can’t snipe with shotguns even if the spread was tight. Only a studio as inept at making a FPS game as Blizzard would have shotguns work this way in a competitive E-sports “ready” shooter.
Games like TF2 and CS:GO figured out that having fixed bulletspread for competitive is the way to go. Having as much randomness to a spread as Reaper and Roadhog has makes them unplayable.
Look at TF2s spread for a competitive match ht tp://
That makes shotguns feel amazing to use becuase they acually respond to where you aim and the damage you get out of it is representetive of how much of the spread you chaught them with.
Now look at overwatches entierly random spread AND damage per pellet wich makes it so 2 shots to the torso at 8 meters can do 50 damage and the next shot do 120 with no changes to the crosshair. Blizzard needs to step up and fix this if OW is gonna survive as a E-sport.
he still has severe damage fall off, hes still gimped vs armor, hes still the worst CQC class in the game at closing distances and hes not really viable as a character past gold