New players are ruining the game

I really hate being in games with new players. it makes the entire competitive mode garbage. being stuck with terrible players and they just wipe you and force a loss over and over is freaking terrible. i hate this. im not going to play this much longer… this is worse than ow1


Boo hoo. You started as a new player 2 so


Toasty what is wrong with you?

You are the reason you make games no fun.


How are you going to blame a new player for getting put into a rank with people that have been places much lower than they should be? This is a OW ranking problem, not a new player problem.


You’ve been playing since season one, the fact that you are bad enough to still be in a rank that’s able to be matched with new players is entirely your fault. There’s no way you are blaming the game after being stuck in the same rank for over 6 years.


You haven’t been playing since season 8, only to see your rank go down each season even though your performance is going up. It’s not called ELO Hell for nothing.


Sounds like a skill issue / not improving at the same rate as others.


Without new players this game will be dead inside of 6 months.

  • Your toxicity is ruining the game

For most of the players windging on the forums, its a skill issue.

They all think they’re better than they are.


ill necro to say ur absolutely right lmao, nothing worse than playing with a team of freshies against players with 6 years of practice in a NEW game. people saying ur toxic don’t understand how a competitive environment it meant to work.


if they truly want top fix toxicity fix the matchmaker and give us back all the things we work our asses off for in one. like player level.

this is ridiculous. I am high gold at most solo q. I am too old, blind and too slow be higher alone. I am not playing with gold and silver I am with bronze and plat depending on my luck. That is not fun it is grinding torture to accomplish the tasks for free skins and play anything seriously. I like comp I play it the most because I don’t f around. I play to win not carry or be crushed because there is 1-2 players out of place.

Sry for the rant but someone needs to say it


I feel like the what 50 or whatever QP “WINS” should’ve been the first step and following like 10 or something more in order to allow players to even remotely touch the “play ranked” button. Essentials like positioning, ult management, what does every hero/how do you counter him/her/it, what is highground where is it on this map where is it on the others, where do I position myself on defense what are possible heroes I can pick on defense and esp. on THIS map. So many things just flat out missing is like putting a dude behind a Mc’D counter, after he ordered 50 meals manager comes around the corner “yo new guy make me a McRip, 2 BigMacs without cucumbers and a McFlurry” “Where are those things?” “I don’t have time you should know it by default you’re fired”. And as soon as you open your mouth, people come around the corner “don’t be toxic why are you toxic staaaaahp”, well being “toxic” by telling someone that he/she ruins the game by not knowing essentials in RANKED is (apparently) toxic like insulting someone. But I wonder what is worse, being “toxic” by telling someone that they don’t belong into competetive and they might think about practicing more/quitting or enabling them by either saying “good job dude” or nothing, letting a Bullterrier with rabies lose on a childs playground.

Exactly and those have 0 knowledge of the game now there is the golden question again. Do we tell those people they should practice more and LEARN BASICS BEFORE queuing into RANKED, or should we enable them by petting them “good job thanks for ruini… giving all you got I’ve seen your “EFFORT” wow awesome” or say nothing at all?

You should start putting your Toast where you mouth is!

I wouldn’t blame the new players, in my opinion thats ridiculous. We should be encouraging and willing to help new players.

The issue is Matchmaking not new players.

Matchmaking needs some work. However, theres layers of complexity that will take time to iron out the issues. Not the answer people want to hear. But give it time.

If you’re so good you should have roflstomp them in every single game.

You should put your giant ego down and accept you suck at game and look what are you doing wrong and what keeping you from ranking up.

You will never win this fight. These are the same people who were living in denial for the past 6 years contradicting themselves over and over. On the screen of OW 2 it says this

“Team composition matters! A well-rounded team increases your chance of winning.”
yet for the past 6 years the Overwatch justice warriors demonized everyone who were willing to say that team composition matters. They keep saying “it’s not your teammates fault when you lose”.

Don’t need to go far look at the comments they throw at you, They ruined OW 1 and now they crept into OW 2.

That being said, take time to re-strategize your game. If you go with the mindset of reaching top 500, you gonna find it emotionally unbearable and you are not alone. Look at some of the streamers “top 500” , “pro players” get tilted when they lose.
If you go with the mindset that “i am gonna try my best each time win or lose” then you are ready to climb.

Don’t be discouraged by these forum trolls, have a good new year.

Harbleu and Fitzy and just_stevo are very chill streamers when they lose they take it on their faces and move on.

new players are not the problem
F2P players with zero attachment to the game or winning caused the leaver plague we have now are the problem

F2P was a mistake
the entry price at least made new players try to win and get better


if you are playing with new players often consider that the MMR considers you similar in skill as them.

Hey man, I take this at heart. I’m a new player and I don’t think I ruin that many games man.

We want new players for the game to grow the fact is i dont see many sticking around. The game style is very niche throwing all new players against new players will get boring for them as theres no really teaching system in place to show them what to do.

This is why their placed with older players but thats back firing aswell cause ow is not like any other game. It takes many hrs to figure out and haven someone on either team who is just unaware will ruin the exp for both parties. F2p is not meant for ow.

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