New patch, still broken

Still 0 audio bugs mentioned/fixed. Still missing important audio cues.


What kind of problems are you having with audio?

Have you checked you have windows spatial audio turned off and just use dolby atmos in game. Because they can conflict with each other.

I actually noticed last night Inna game on hanaoka, mid team fight when everything is sounding abilities going off, all that good stuff. Then everything goes v quiet, like everyone stopped firing for a second or two. Them went back to normal when the enemy venture died. Was very confusing XD

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it’s like it on console, too.
Especially evident when kiriko uses her ult so more abilities going off at once. Usually when i hear mauga’s or bastions guns going off in kiriko ult.

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thats not the issue i described and i dont use that. it has nothing to do with that type of audio.