I actually like the skin and probably would have bought it, but not if Mei isn’t even playable. -__-
My favourite part is how the description is “freeze your foes” on the blizzard store. Did marketing not get the memo on her OW2 butchering?
Wtf is that monstrosity!?
When you preorder a game you know when it is being released. Can you tell me when mei is being released? Ya… Thought as much. “Mic drop” / “Rock Eyebrow”
UPDATE 4:00 PM PST, 11/15 - We are now planning to release this mid-season patch on Thursday, November 17 at 11 AM PST. Thank you to our players for your patience as we addressed this issue.
Alright boys! New content drop! Time to get ******* hyped AF!! Everyone to the cash shop with money in hand, BlIzZaRd NeEdS tO mAkE mOnEY!!!
If you pay 30 dollars for that and i was your wallet id…actually you know what nvm.
Tbf this one is about $10.
they just need you to buy more skins so that they have the funds to fix her. small indie company, please understand
Good use of your money it seems
Pushing out these skins which isn’t of much difference, meanwhile letting the game be like…this
Making crappy skins that cost too much money for heroes that aren’t even available in the game rn = OW2 in a nutshell. I remember when Bastion was taken out of the game, I was offered a $19 Bastion skin from OW1. It was like someone from the dev team came into my shop, stared me in the face and said “I’m going to plant this little red flag right here, don’t mind me…everything is great!”
Please just consume battle pass and buy our items.
“tone deaf” does not even begin to describe it. This is just so abrasive and insulting to the intelligence of the playerbase. If they knew they won’t be able to enable Mei again (which they obviously knew) the least they could do is not make the skin available till she is playable. Or I dunno, make it at a 50% discount. Because, you know, YOU CANT EVEN LOOK AT HER IN THE HERO GALlERY
Please just give us money. Oh, what do you mean what for? What is this word “service”??? Like what, we should give you something in exchange for your money? Why would we do that? Give us money. Period.
Have you simply tried not being quite so old?
you’re overreacting, just let them balance the character and add her back in 2 days. you can still decide if you want her skin or not.
I don’t want the skin. Quite frankly I am not and never really was interested in paying money for cosmetics in a game (any game). I am not upset about the fact you have to pay for them.
I am upset about what this communicates about the company’s attitude towards its customers. It is incredibly tactless and distasteful.
You know some idiot is going to buy it
it communicates they are greedy, thats all
TWO WEEKS she has been gone. Unacceptable.