New leaver penalty for Competitive

With such radical changes we just gonna lose more people that abandon this game. Like we have enough to not experience 10 minutes Q times from time to time


Why don’t you make your game suck less, instead, so that people don’t want to quit mid-match? Are you game developers or prison wardens?

This is a game, not a job or a marriage. If I’m not having fun anymore, I’ll leave. Punish me harder, please – I want to be able to tell my non-gamer friends that I got banned when I quit a game because I wasn’t having fun anymore.


Still not enough

should be

1st 24 hours
2nd 3 days
3rd a week
4th a month


Never understood why people play comp with bad connections/


Have you ever had an accidental disconnection? Anyone is subjected to a power outage, ISP outage, or computer error even with no prior history. Hell, I once got so excited I dropped a game controller on my power strip to my PC and killed the power.

Those who have consistent issues who ignore them will quickly rack up penalties, but you need to consider the fact that anyone… including you… can have something happen at any time. That is why the starting penalty is small.


15 placements I just did on my alt account, two of the games had leavers. That is too much imo.

I “try” to take competitive games seriously, I wish others would reciprocate.

Regarding my own disconnections, almost never.

That said I will concede to you that the first disconnection should perhaps be 1 hour though, not 15 minutes. I mean 15minutes is like “Oh we’re doing bady, I’ll bail this game, get a snack and come back in 15” 1hour might make them think.

“just let me quit comp games and ruin the match for 5 people” understandable, have a great day


the next step is 20 hours, how interesting.

Wtf you talking?

First disconnect – 30 days ban.

Second – permban



I wish…

Oh really? That’s good! Ragequitters are still way too prevalent in Comp games. (Maybe ten times as frequent as I’d consider tolerable.) Perhaps this will help at least a bit.

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I’m fine with the first one or two penalties being small. Accidents happen. I have a perfect connection and had a PC crash because of overheating during a comp match once.

But I think the scaling should be as steep as possible. I think a three strike rule should be in place where we can accept accidents/hiccups up to three times with minor penalties, but by the time you do it four times then you’re either doing it intentionally or you have some serious problems you need to fix before you should join comp again.

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This won’t fix or solve the problem and you know it.

Punishing leavers is way easier than fixing a dead/broken game LMAO.

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Any update on what we should know? We will find out it anyways in a day or two, but you can save our time xD

My internet just had a terrible spike soon as I left spawn, the game got cancelled and now I’m stuck with -50 SR and have to wait 14 minutes. It sucks, I wish they could find a way to seperate DCs like this from rage quits. I’m just glad I won the last game before this so my SR wont suffer too much

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Exactly! Let’s stop messing around with these pathetic little bans and just go straight to jail time and then public execution. This isn’t some petty crime, this is Overwatch. Leaving matches ruins lives and destroys nations.

One year in jail for leaving a match. Death row if you leave another match. Zero tolerance.

I kinda agree :slight_smile:

but… two matches isn’t “zero tolerance”… :eyes:

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Pleeeeaase, punish you harder because you’re not having fun anymore?! Obviously losing isn’t fun and leavers 1. Dont know if they are going to lose yet, 2. Are extremely selfish, ridding themselves not the work of actually competing, handicapping their whole team and multiplying nthe overall stress by 5 teamates fighting an uphill battle now.

If it truuuly was that their Internet was thaaaat bad then don’t be a dick and play competitive if you know your unable to properly compete, if you can’t do that then you obviously dont care about the team to begin with since your risking DC’s all time.

Please by all means tell your friends you quit the game so they can know one less baby is playing a Teen rated game.

evil Palpatine cackles


People aren’t leaving because “they’re going to lose.” They’re leaving because, for various reasons, A COMPUTER GAME that they play FOR FUN is causing them stress. Trying to prolong that stress with leaver penalties is unethical, and it’s sloppy no-talent game design stacked on top of a sloppy no-talent ranking and matchmaking system from a company that allows people to troll and grief and boost and cheat with an endless number of alt accounts. Blizzard’s bad design and bad policies are what cause people to quit matches early, and now they want to up the leaver penalty to try to paper over their other mistakes?

This will cause more throwing, not less leaving. I’d rather have a cancelled match than a thrown one; I don’t care how long the queue is.

People leave because of toxic teammates (whom I suspect are the you-like people who are here begging for longer bans for leavers), because this is the third night in a row of a 9-game loss streak where it’s the one-account solo-queue casuals vs the legion of smurfs/aimbotters, because something important like a minor kitchen disaster or a suddenly crying child came up, because other teammates already left and it isn’t even worthwhile to wait out the 1:30 timer, because other teammates bragged about deranking or throwing, because members of the other team openly admitted to cheating and are prolonging the match just to grief the casuals and sweats, because they got put with a toxic 5-stack against a 6-stack. Ultimately who cares? The leaver penalty is a bad solution to a systemic problem that has more to do with noobtastic game design and game stewardship than it does with “bad players.”

If the matchmaker worked properly, if there were NO alt accounts allowed or if they were all aggressively linked and collectively held accountable, and if there were actual ring-0 anticheat, then there would be no leaver problem and no need for leaver punishments. But look where we are.

What other company actively and aggressively punishes its users for pressing Alt-F4?