This looks like the most current ‘megathread’ on this, so I guess I’ll post this here: Idea for a CC resilient bruiser character.
A thought running through my head would be a tank that may operate like a supercharged version of Soldier: 76. However, inside is a micro-sized Van der Graf generator that will allow him to discharge a bolt of electricity just like a lightning strike. This would be an area effect, and that would be his ultimate.
Name: Thunderstorm.
If only I knew what the equivalent of a .50-cal gun and a Tomahawk missile would be.
i think the problem with that was that it was global and it affected allies. if it affected only enemies in an area, then it could be an interesting ability.
I think thatd still feel awful though tbh. Imagine getting slowed and hacked at once after coming outta a stun. That would just be so frustrating.
Old beta Lucio’s ult.
Shameful shameful self plug.