New experimental patch notes (ashe, sigma and Ball Nerfs, Hanzo buff)

You will never achieve it.

The only thing that will grow is your failures.

It’s a lot more reasonable to aim for making a solid 70% of the playerbase really happy, than to attempt it for 100%.

Any seasoned developer would know this.
“You can’t please everybody”

Attempting to do something that’s impossible is the definition of insanity.

Something needs to be toned down. He has the best barrier on top of good damage, a cc, and dm/adaptive shields. His barrier being so versatile should warrant it having the least amount of hp out of all the barriers. I think a lower redeploy time would be fine if it had the same amount of hp as Orisa’s or even lower.

Exactly, but you can fail someone, and this will never be forgotten.

Oh well, that’s why they should focus on making their core playerbase happy, and not obsess about making tiny minority groups happy at the heavy expense of everyone else.

It’s a business, not a social welfare program.

And you wonder why OW has slowly declined over the years.

The more you tell a group that they don’t matter, the more people jump ship.

You mean the ones that are heavily outweighed by the nerfs?

Pretty sure it’s the 3 years of GOATs and DoubleBarrier, while not addressing the issue of making them Diveable.

And nerfing everything else BESIDES that.

It’s absolutely not. The problem with Sigma is that his shield is too flexible and impactful when combined with a second shield so he can be used with both Rein and Orissa. Making his shield less reliable just means he has to rely on another shield more.

Double shield wouldn’t be an issue if he didn’t have a shield all together. Rein/Orissa don’t really go well together and the combo is pretty easily countered because they can’t both get value from the same position.

They need to get rid of Sig’s shield and replace it with a different ‘off tank’ ability. I’d say try putting something similar to Mei’s wall on him. A solid wall that he places, has a limited amount of health and a long CD. It means he can help maintain space but without the insane flexibility his current shield has, but adding the utility of being able to block more things.

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Again, I’m not mad that they are nerfing Sigma, I’m mad at how they’re choosing to go about it

You’d think a 150% increase to the cooldown of such a vital ability would warrant some kind of compensation buff at least


Doesn’t this adhere to your philosophy of trying to appease a core crowd and telling those that don’t want it to suck it?

I think the tank distinctions are silly. It really depends on the meta. Ball in this scenario is usually played as the off tank.

I’ve had a lot of luck recently playing Winston as an off tank to Sigma.

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High sustain compositions discourage Aim/Mobility determining fights (FPS mechanics), and encourage CC/UltTracking/Barriers determining fights (MOBA mechanics).

Additionally, and Winston are very fun Tanks that don’t get played at any skill tier.

And Plat and below would be nice if it had 3x “Reinhardt Tier” alternatives for SingleBarrier Tanks.

Additionally, while a playstyle shift for a hero like Brig or Bap might make a few players upset, the resulting “selfish” buffs would make a ton of other players very happy.

Overall, that’s a lot more happy players, compared to the few unhappy ones.

I don’t like the Sigma nerfs just because I think it’s going to make Rein and Zarya even more prominent.

I’ve been playing a lot of Hanzo recently and honestly I don’t think he needs a buff. Even if it’s tiny. He’s really strong already.

I like the ball change. It doesn’t nerf him into the ground but it also makes him just a bit harder to get value with.

Not sure about the Ashe change. She’s very strong right now. She can shoot faster but does slightly less damage. She can still one shot widow with damage boost. but I guess she can’t one shot 200 hp heroes? and mcree.

It would make a lot more people happy to delete tanks and healers and turn OW into a CoD clone, guess Blizzard should get right on that.

Yup, being able to help him out in close quarters is super nice. I’ve also seen Hog as a great partner for Sigma.

That depends on how strong they think his other abilities are. Apparently they think accretion and kinetic grasp are strong enough to suffice between barrier redeployment or at least strong enough while also allowing more opportunities to kill Sigma. and Winston are about as “moba” as it gets from your definition

You simply don’t like Orisa or Sigma and are skirting around that fact as best you can. It’s pretty obvious despite your efforts.

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kind of funny how they buff hanzo when there are 10(ish) other dps who are worse off than him


I get it, I really do. But this particular nerf is still booty.

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