New experimental card!

well, that was over fast

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and they nerfed ball which is my fav hero
this changes are just for a fun tournament, we can relax!

Yep I hadn’t seen the full thing pretty obvious they’re trolling

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still tho worrying a little might be alright. on the last pros experimental they did let some changes go too live like d.vas mech damage thing. so i dont blame you

i doubt very much everything will go live tho


I’m glad they’re at least playing around with more out there changes. Some are bound to stick. Even if they have to change numbers around, it’s cool to see things like this go live from time to time.


And you wouldn’t?! That sounds like a dream. :joy:


The experimental changes all look very interesting. I’m interested to see how they all turn out.

looks at Junkrat changes

Fun, you say? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

We do rarely get Experimentals like this and would you consider to do really chaotic and random developer-only made experimental cards with fun features from time to time? The fun coming from cards like things would freshen up the gameplay a little bit and would help in waiting for major future updates :smile:

Ah, the card was taken down, no wonder I didn’t see any youtube videos on the experiment cards today.

Y’all are nuts this card is awesome just played some rein and had a blast. not competitive viable but still a. Fun car they should keep this up for a while

It’s an awesome card, except for what was done to Wrecking Ball, but at least it’s not a real set of changes for him.

So happy to finally see positive changes to Doom and Zarya with no cutbacks either.

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I think the experiment is good for tanks while they make some fixes.

I like to suggest the idea that Symmetra and Torb’s turret should be able to capture the point if no one is on point, similar to bob.


These changes are interesting

I think we just Need Mercy Mass Rez back, but with proper changes. So we can squash the argument. I personally do NOT like Valkyrie Mercy because when she ults during most of the games I play in. She goes after that one player she has a Vendetta for. and instead gets picked OFF.

In competitive it is a nightmare because in positioning we now have a mercy player that is out of position and the Ultimate FORCES her to be struggling to stay grounded.

In the situation of a 2v1, a Mercy has the ability to pick any player on her team, pocket them, and has the incentive to NOT play with the team, but to protect her “VIP”.

When I look at Blizzard as a WHOLE and Having to Find healers in Overwatch or back in the major Days in World of Warcraft. People just don’t like playing healers the higher the skill ceiling is set. When a person wants to be in on the action. They play a hitscan, when they want to play healer. They take the backlines.

Thoughts: Mass Rez back.

  • All players rez’d receive a 20-25% penalty deduction of their ultimates meter.
  • A players rez’d receive 25% of their baseline HP back.
  • A players Rez’d will have all of their seconary abilities placed on Cool down.

AOE radius (working with and tuning Area of Effect) where the ability will or will NOT work.

Working with Ultimate countering.


She needs to have less rewards for dealing damage to other players and actually be awarded for healing done. As it stands now. Moira’s are wisping through the match and spamming Damage orbs, and biotic Grasp that somehow clips the wall and continues dealing damage towards players at exponential distances. This focus of attention is detrimental for team healing design. Especially when Her focus is NOT directed towards healing her team.

Builders: (Torb and Symmetra).

They have too much reward for too little risk that they take. When players complain about builders, it is because these are people that are playing bunker comps and use the one skill of properly building an AUTOMATED DEVICE that picks and chooses targets for them. It leaves a player feeling cheated. Especially when Torb’s turret has exponential detection range and Sym’s turrets are effective Crowd Control devices.