New error? HTTP RESPONSE CODE: 202

I tried logging on to the game today and got this error that says “OPERATION FAILED: HTTP RESPONSE CODE: 202, CURL ERROR:”

I’ve restarted my internet, console, and even reinstalled the game but to no avail


The same thing is happening to me, did you manage to resolve it?

Yes, I am facing same issue.

do you manage to resolve it? i had the same error to, please reply me asap and thankyou!

Im facing the same issue i haven’t been able to resolve it yet

Same issue. Has anyone found the solution? Please help.

I’ve found the solution, you need to login to with your playstation account and agree to new T&C. Then start your game on your console.


How do u accept the new terms and conditions? Idk where to find it on Theres no pop up asking me to agree to the new terms either

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Yea, having the same problem. Even after restarting the router

Where do I find it to link with the battlenet, bc in the game launcher it isn’t allowing me to do anything

This worked for me! I just agreed to the T&C at Thx!

Found the solution

Go to the web
Log in with your battle net account
When you verify and all of the other security stuff
A new Terms and Service will appear, accept it and you can enter the game
Try restarting the game after you’ve accepted the term

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