New england connection update

anyone have any info on this verzion blizzard issue?
my game is up and running im in lobby but afraid to try a game due to penalties any info would help!!! boston area…ffa have been the best way to test server for me


A lot of people are having similar problems atm and there has been little insight to the matter, all I have come across is that everyone that has this problem has Verizon and it only is occurring in NA EAST. It’s really unfortunet that we have to go searching around twitter and forums to get any answers, and I don’t mean to be rude to blizz because I know how hard it is to get a simple program to add or subtract a number but still. They have a whole team working on this. You would think there would be some fix or an ETA by now.

ive been able to play ffa since about midnight last night but it lags me out of it every otgher game but then i can reconnect back so still getting some OW but its not the same!!!

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I know its very frustrating since I would like to play comp and push masters I wasn’t even able to play since yesterday. I guess we are just going to have to wait and see what happens.

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is there anywhere this problem is being followed or updated about through verizon or anywhere?

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Not particularly but blizzard did respond to another thread yesterday regarding this issue, but you wont find any more information there than I have explained to you.

The issue is with a third party connecting Verizon and Blizzard, so it’s unlikely we will get updates from either company until it’s fully resolved, but maybe not even then.

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