New Death Camera Shift - Disable?

Is there a way to disable the new death camera shift?
The movement is too fast and gives me motion sickness.

Updated the death camera to quickly shift from where you were looking to where your killer is, to make it easier to see if you were killed by someone behind you or to your side


I agree, this change is terrible. Makes the game unplayable for me. Please bring the option to disable this and slow down the animation.


This thread needs to be seen by devs. That change is so small, yet almost game breaking. Every time I die I cease to understand what is happening. It’s ultra obnoxious.


I noticed it the first time I died, scared the heck out of me lol. I agree, it should have a toggle feature for players with motion sickness.


So… you don’t want to know who killed you?

What? Have we not been able to know who killed us before this was added?
The kill feed and kill cam are still a thing. Also, both can be turned on or off unlike this death camera shift.


i thought i was lagging all day yesterday bc of this :triumph:


I agree the new change does induce motion sickness. Please revert it, or make a toggle ASAP.


It throws me completely off.
Give us at least the option to disable it


Yea I thought it was lag too. With some angles, the camera goes berserk so it really looks like a technical issue, lag, or a bug at first.


I haven’t noticed this, but it shouldn’t be too difficult to make it instant.

I thought this was a bug! I can’t believe it’s an actual feature. It’s so disorienting and obnoxious. Definitely makes me want to play less.

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same i hate it, need an option to turn it off


There was a responce from a Dev in a similar thread yesterday:


I thought it was a fps problem lol I noticed this yesterday

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Oh my god thanks. I didn’t play for two weeks and as soon as I noticed this i was so upset. It’s annoying, because seems to mess with ragdolls too: your hero falls down in pure COD 2 style, zero momentum, potato sack approved.
It gives me motion sickness even on a 144hz monitor, and I don’t actually find any use on having instant focus on who killed me.
I mean, yeah, in super duper serious game I can see why every second counts, but god the way it is now is gross and annoying, it makes me mad and I can’t scientifically explain why, it feels like such a “omg fast look at dat” childish thing, I just wanna punch the monitor.

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Omg same. I feel kind of stupid now

i don’t, it’s a really bad change imo, i don’t think i’ll play unless they fix it, it really messes me up

Unfortunately, today’s patch did not include this change. Still can’t play :frowning: