New Concept For a Jet Flying Hero

I have a suggestion for a new flying hero.
We currently have one hero that can fly (phara)
I think having another one would be fun
I am thinking about a hero that flies like a jet
And shots a machine gun (LMB) and rockets (RMB)
it can transform from ground to jet mode like how hammond transforms
When in jet mode it can only shoot straight, where it’s nose is pointing
Kinda like a transformer kind of hero
It would be cool to see some air battles in overwatch

I have a suggestion for a new flying hero.
We currently have one hero that can fly (Phara)
I think having another one would be fun
I am thinking about a hero that flies like a jet
And shots a machine gun (LMB) and rockets (RMB)
It can transform from ground to jet mode like how Hammond transforms
When in jet mode it can only shoot straight, where it’s nose is pointing
Kinda like a transformer kind of hero
It would be cool to see some air battles in overwatch

Image for concept (remove space):

If something like this is ever released, i would expect it to be more like a drone or a helicopter. A fighting jet probably wouldn’t have enough room to fly through the map

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there is a good chance Echo will be able to fly

Since this is the story channel, I’m gonna look at what kinds of characters we have in the story who fit your description of “Jet Flying.”

Of all the characters, the ones who are capable of flight are MEKA and the deconfirmed Jetpack Cat. Echo also has wings that are questionably capable of use, and there are Gwishin squid omnics that can fly.

  • Jetpack Cat - Is a Jetpack not a jet, and is also deconfirmed.

  • Echo - Has something on her back, but she probably floats or glides more than have extreme jet speed. No idea, could go either way, but I don’t imagine she would be very airborne personally.

  • Gwishin - Now these things can fly and at variable speeds. Though for a character based game, this comes down to if Blizz wants to make a character out of them, and how they plan to balance their mobility.

  • MEKA - I’m gonna break this up into the 4 different characters.
    – D.Mon - Her mech doesn’t seem to be one built for high mobility. I’d put her down at D.Va or slower speed.
    – King - See D.Mon.
    – Overlord - Has a VTOL mech. I would really really love to see this one, but its not a jet.
    – Casino - Our favourite F1 racer does have a mehc that looks like exactly like what you want. He has a mech that is shown to have what looks like a high-speed jet mode. And high speed is perfect for a F1 pilot’s mech.

TLDR: If you want a Jet hero, I’d say look at Casino and see what you can do with his design.

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You’re forgetting that Tracer was a pilot, and was good enough to be picked to test an insanely advanced prototype. She flew jets.

That said, as others have noted, using a fighter jet wouldn’t fit in the game’s normal combat. Also, you’d want an attack jet, not a fighter.