🛡 New Brigitte

Imagine being Brigitte in 2019 and having to run for healthpacks now because not only does your ex-dps lock ana not turn around to stop dpsing/or that mercy that doesn’t leave her Mcree daddy she only saves res for from LFG, but ya just can’t heal yourself fast enough to do what your hero was originally designed to do which was to rely on yourself anymore LOL.

Or maybe allow her to use repair pack on herself, if they plan on keeping shields to 200.

How is Brig even supposed to be played now? The reduced shield hp and self-heal will make it much harder to brawl, which is what kept the heals going in between repair packs. I can understand them wanting to make her more of a healer, but doing it at the cost of so much survivability doesn’t make sense because her range is so short. It wouldn’t be as bad if she had range like the other supports, but she doesn’t. That’s my main issue.

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How would they program that? Interesting idea

My guess is if no one is in reticle, she automatically uses it on herself.

So she would have to turn around/look up/look down to self repair pack. Or hide in a room alone.

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From another thread. Looks like that Repair Pack buff isnt so hot either.

Rest in piece

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Probably just hold the button to use one on yourself

She won’t be front line anymore, more rear support. They should have increased her mobility; Ana can sleep , Moria can zip away and Mercy can fly out to get out of threats. Lucio has speed boost and Baptise super jump. Brigitte had shield bash to get her out of tight spots but now because that is nerfed she’ll get picked apart by Winston or fast moving tank and DPS flankers.

Her pick rating will drop to the bottom in support. Nice job, Blizzard.


Her survive ability was more than anchor tanks often - it was absurd.

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Picking her outside of goats isn’t literally throwing above low plat now, it’s a good change.

Why are they still nerfing the poor Swedish girl?


It was a huge buff lol

Jeffs love child genji players will be over the moon.

Glad to see they are making the game more worthy of standing in line for a welfare check now.

Come play OW, no skills requires, we will nerf every hero that does anything to upset you.

guys, she essentially has her healing output triple. Then 10% increase is to account for that.
She has essencially 120 heals every 6 seconds that she can spam up to 3 times.
Also, you probably didn’t notice, but the rocket flail changes mean it will be easier to proc inspire at a distance.

The shield stings a bit, but remember that she still has 450 effective hp. Use the shield wisely and that 10 hps will keep you going longer than you think.

Stun nerf really only brings it in line with other stuns.

She’ll still be a powerful bodyguard healer. She will still fight flanks.
They just syphoned her power into healing since, you know, she’s a healer.

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Then if what you say is true she can be buffed where necessary. I honestly believe now she will take more skill to get good value from instead of the free ride she was for so long.

I think she’s overall less viable as a healer as others have stated. The shield nerf murdered her usefulness. Cant shield-bash without a shield!

I was hoping for new features instead of a parameter tweak when they proposed a kit rework. I think a good trade-off for the nerf would have been much better mobility, eg a whipshot jump to launch in the air to avoid a hookshot/charge, or overall speed increase to attack/running. If we’re going to run into the front-line, which we have to do with her limited range, coupled with no shield bc it was destroyed in 2 shots by a hanzo, at least give us the ability to get out!

I disagree with all you have said is all I have to say

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I don’t know what kind of game you are playing, but in my games Brig’s shield, at 500, is deleted in a near second.

Far from your “forever”.


I mean. Clearly

You are standing in a poor place or frontlining for that kind of focus