New Brigitte Video

That only prevented her from prepacking tracer doom genji which is pro dive actually.

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I really would not consider, for even a second, what Your Overwatch has to say - especially Freedo. He’s a biased, ignorant buffoon.


I agree with what you say, entirely, but I think in actual practice Brig is no longer able to do the things you’re listing out in most average ranks. That’s the problem; these higher skilled players are fine with her being mega stilted and hogtied in weird ways because right now they can get value out of her. What I want is what’s best for the game at all ranks, which I don’t think Brig is right now. She’s too weak at low ranks, she’s not getting picked, and that’s for a reason.

Like - she’s supposed to punish people up close, but in lower ranks she gets deleted so fast she doesn’t get the opportunity. Her sustain is super low, even compared to other flimsier supports, simply due to how chonky her mobility is in general and her healing being contingent on damage. Brig’s healing can be great - IF you can do damage, IF. That’s a big if, and it gets bigger the lower down the ladder you go.

Brig’s repair pack could be great in theory like Zen’s orb, but she can distribute it to 3 people at once, meaning she can sustain more DPS characters at the same time, rather than Zen who is forced to prioritize who to put his orb on and can only help one teammate at a time. It’s not even like I think repair pack is ‘strong’, I think it’s actually pretty weak - the travel time is annoying, it’s got low healing, and it’s heal over time? Kill me! But at high ranks it’s just enough healing to give your highly skilled DPS a leg up and just enough health to win out in a fight, and that’s all you need. They don’t need to be healed to full, they just need to win that fight, and that’s it.

The repair pack enables a certain type of playstyle that will only ever be relevant in high ranked play, and that’s not even touching on the other part of her kit that’s holding her back, which is how she needs to do damage on an enemy in order to heal at all. These are the two biggest things holding her back for average players, because they require someone else in order to ‘work’. Much like Symmetra who is useless on her own but can do well if she’s being propped up by her team; that doesn’t make her, Symmetra, strong. It just means that in the exact right scenario with the exact right team she can be not-weak. Does that make sense?

Hey Grey. A while back I remember you linking a video on here of Doomfist punching a training bot but it was a JoJo sh**post (I THINK it was Jotaro’s theme). Could you link it for me please? I can’t find it!!

Half of that video is just “Orisa bad, Zarya/Winston/ball/Rein good”

I mean they aren’t wrong.
Orisa’s playstyle leaves very little up to individual player interpretation. It’s a very “sedentary” playstyle, both by movement and by choices of actions.

I had an alternative to that.

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Not even arguing, just telling you how it is for Blizzards reasoning as outlined in how they made other melee type characters.

I as firmly aware how terrible they are with support design.


I’d be happy to see her As a tank! Take away the AoE healing and Repair Pack, increase the shield HP and normal HP, and keep and buff the selfhealing from Inspire but also add a bigger cooldown to it (right now She can activate her passive every 1 seconds, I would increase it to be like 4 second or something)

I say remove inspire. Keep Rally. And give her more health packs.

Cool click bait title.

It’s weird how this guy pretends to care about the game or Brig (in this particular video) in one hand but releases content for characters that most of the community already has a good idea how to play in the other: a Rein guide, he mentioned something about an Ana guide, and requesting Hitscan VODS.

Because yea, we need more hitscan or Ana content right? I mean sure, you want people to click your videos, but why no a Symmetra or Bastion guide? It doesn’t have to be 30 minutes long, a guide can be something like 5 minutes.

He says he plays Brig, but makes wonder if he really does… all the gameplay of the video is NOT the 200hp Brig, it was 250hp+200Shield, 225hp+250 shield, 250hp+250Shield.

If you say you play Brig wouldn’t you put gameplay of the current Brig version? 200hp Brig is the one 99% of the playerbase seems to have problems with, not the others. For me this seems like he knows 200hp is weak and doesn’t have footage of him doing the correct plays because he couldn’t or just didn’t play her at all.

With what I agree is that I don’t want Brig to be reworked into a Moira-esque support (just healing) nor a Budget Rein or Zarya (which seems to be all the forums tank reworks), the peel needs to stay. I don’t have problems with current Brig, is just that I think she should be more accessible for everyone.

Let’s see if in the upcoming map guides he says he is working, gives specific characters tips, specially for the under represented heroes across the ranks and not just the generalist ones.

I disagree. Because that means something is inherently wrong with Widowmaker too. I think lower rank players just need to get better at the game so they can play Brig more often with more success

I think the whole point was to show how strong she was with 225 & 250hp. I think he died maybe once. Justifying the change to 200hp

But Widowmaker IS getting played at lower ranks, statistically she’s chosen just as often now as she was five, six, ten months ago in lower ranks. There’s been little shift in her actual pick rate, even with the nerf of her hp going down to 175 and her grappling hook being slower than ever. On launch it was like 8 seconds, and it’s up to 12 now!

Compare that to Brig who launched to a huge player base, got 22 nerfs in a row and now has an absolute flatline of pickrate except in the tippy top - there’s something very clearly wrong here. How it played out for her is not how it’s played out for any other character.

It’s one thing for the SNIPER character to maybe not have a stellar win rate in lower ranks, where we expect aim to be worse. It’s another thing for a Melee Healer who’s entire kit is no-aim literally can’t even be played at the ranks where she was clearly intended to shine. Don’t you see that?

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This. And all they keep doing is nerfing her HP now so she isn’t as much of a problem for the players who are at the top of all players. But this just tanks her accessibility and use at lower ranks. It’s such a “lazy” way of nerfing it’s actually incredibly frustrating.


Honestly to call it lazy is almost too much, because lazy implies there was even some thought put to it. I can’t imagine anyone actually having thought about Brig and her placement in the game and coming up with this ‘solution’. And if they did, they should be fired for how damn dumb they are, if their conclusion was that she just needed less HP and that would iron things out.

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I just want them to address the actual problems with her. And I’m beginning to get frustrated with it to be honest.

And i’m someone who plays Brig.

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I’m sorry, I never got that much into Brig but my girlfriend really loved her playstyle (I’m not much for melee, never have been) but she just seems like she’s in a really bad state right now. I pick her up out of curiosity every now and then and it seems like no matter what I do I’m not really capable of doing enough of it. If I play conservatively and try to not die, I’m not giving my team much help or value. If I play aggressively and try and help make space, I die pretty fast, my shield is worth virtually nothing, and my cooldowns are so long that I basically get one ‘foray’ into the battle and then get taken out shortly thereafter, because even my melee damage isn’t actually that heavy hitting. A Reaper or a Roadhog or even an Orisa on the field means I’m going down, because they’re all able to kill Brig so fast. And I’m not saying I ever ‘got good’ with her, but you shouldn’t feel so weak with a character that you never want to play her either.

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Yeah I personally really like her playstyle, it’s just nice to have something different than the regular gun hero or the way other supports work. Yeah you have to give up a lot of the original playstyle now to make her work. But when she really does work she’s strong. Which is why in GM and up, she works really well. And I’m talking about with her 200HP state. But in the lower ranks people do struggle to make her work because of the lower HP and how they think she should be played. So that’s why I just don’t think nerfing her HP is the way to go with her at all,

Yeah, the people at high ranks are going to be able to play with the HP nerf and still get her benefits, whereas people at low ranks aren’t going to be able to do that, since so much of Brig really only works in a teammate situation.

I mean the game is hard enough to play with total rando’s every game, no Guild system, no way to encourage players to find other players that are roughly at their level. Whenever I try that stupid LFG I just get annoyed that my teammates are either way better or way worse than I am and leave after the first match. There’s no point if I have to do a ton of legwork just to enjoy the game, I might as well go work if that’s what we’re doing. I shouldn’t have to create a social network to enjoy a video game.

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Yep I agree.

And yeah that is so frustrating. I play strictly solo to be honest. And some matches can be really good. Where both teams are pretty even and you have to really try and it’s whoever makes the least mistakes and plays better wins. But you don’t feel like it’s heavily skewed in one teams favour. And you feel like it’s worth the effort put into it. Or you can games that are just absolute curb stomps in either direction.

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wow thats some high level brig gameplay, so yea i think shes in a good spot if your skill determines where your rank is. low sr brig players dont use her to the fullest capability. so i say leave her where she is?