I heard her say a new voice line during set up I can’t remember what it was though.
- If you are paying 18 you are buying it in the wrong place and should not do that.
ohhhh like a voice line before a match? Thats awesome!
It is a cool skin but not worth the trouble to get. I really think it as super cheesy move on blizzards part
Its probably a 1 time thing, uneless it ends up being super successful
I did a quick video with the Rally sound changes (not real obvious to me but they were different) then at the end I swapped off and back to her to hear her opening line.
She also says a few things when doing stuff that are different as well, but I didn’t capture them here.
To my knowledge, this is the first time that Brig has gotten special voicelines with a skin. (Same with sound effects, unless I’m forgetting something.) This is a big moment for her. I really hope it happens again sometime; maybe they can update some of her existing ones with new lines, too?
Anyway, congrats on getting it, OP (and everyone else who’s enjoying it)~ I always did think it was a nice skin. I don’t know anything about SC, but it looks really nice and smooth. The special audio stuff is really awesome though. They did a lovely job on the whole thing
If I didn’t feel the way I do about certain ironic aspects of the distribution method, I think I would have jumped on it, too. (I would have to actually have a Twitch and some extra cash, though )
Actually it’s a reference to the Emergency Medical Hologram from Star Trek: Voyager. When he booted up the first time, that’s what he said.
I think these only work with whip shot and shield kills
-Someone call the blood bank!
-oh thats gotta hurt! Next!
-Patient prognosis: dead
Awesome!!! This skin must have taken so much work
Well clearly they had the time to make new voicelines because the design probably took them like 10 minutes
Im sure its possible to create a
Full new model with all the in game interactions (i.e. sun reflection) in 10 minutes.
Most people dont even know this skin IS available on console yet. Why did they say only PC… Why did people believe it? Such a self defeating way to support streamers. I knew it would be available on console cause i could literally see it in my skin collection on console only blocked by a little lock icon. It even said how to unlock it as if i did what it said it would unlock on console and it did. I thought “Why would this be hard to make available to me? What possible reason is there to have this locked on console when i can see it in game?” - so i tested it out and worked exactly like i though.
I don’t plan to buy the skin, but does it state that discount beforehand when purchasing gifted subs?

I don’t plan to buy the skin, but does it state that discount beforehand when purchasing gifted subs?
Yes it did. Since I hadn’t done gifted subs before, I had the discount. You have to scroll to the bottom of the list of packages to set your choice of 3 subs. (they sell in packs start with 1, then 5, then 10 and so on to 100). Below the 100 choice is a custom where you can put in 3 and the discount is shown before you buy.
Asking for a friend, huh?
‘‘Sterilized now!’’ , ‘‘If I do it wrong it will hurt a little, if I do it right it will hurt a lot!’’, ‘‘The patient’s prognosis is… Dead!’’ (when you kill)
I don’t think I’ll grab it, but that’s really cool honestly!
Just a shame that I’ve subbed and gifted subs too, so no discounts. Sucks that this isn’t in september
Id actually want the skin if she had her default cute ponytail instead of a spaceballs helmet

OK TIME FOR VOICE LINES (im so happy can u tell)
When i spawned in as her she said “please state the nature of your medical emergency” IS THIS A STARCRAFT REFERENCE I NEVER PLAYED STARCRAFT
Starcraft was referencing the TV show ‘Star Trek: Voyager’ with that line. The Doctor was a hologram and every time he was activated, he was programmed to say that line.