New Baptiste Sprays

Please only watch the streamer whose turn is enabled.

Just going to say its very misleading since he (Darwin) has the green drops enabled message on every time Iā€™ve watched. Heā€™s actually currently streaming and you can check it out for yourself.

I understand but I want you to make sure you can earn the sprays. By sticking to the schedule, that will help me determine if there is a problem or not. Also make sure you are watching directly on Twitch and not the BattleNet launcher.

I watched Marteā€™s stream when it was her turn, I wasnā€™t watching in the launcher, I was watching on twitch. I meant that the launcher was featuring her twitch to tell people to go watch her. but still didnā€™t get any drops

First double check to make sure you have not already earned the sprays without getting the notification (check in the Hero Gallery in game, remember that they will not be marked with the NEW icon).

If no good, please take the time to sign out and sign back into Twitch. Also try unlinking and relinking your BattleNet account from Twitch. Then watch 2 more hours at least.

Iā€™ve checked the hero gallery and know Iā€™ve not got them, but Iā€™ll try your latter suggestion. Thanks