New Balance Changes Sound Disgusting

I’m all for the Armor nerf and Reaper Buffs, but the nerfs to D. Va and Brigitte really doesn’t seem necessary if they’re hitting armor this hard. They already nerfed the heck out of Brigs damage now her ultimate will have extremely less value. Also D. Va has the biggest hitbox and critbox in game so I wouldn’t be surprised if she got demech’d as quickly as it takes to kill certain squishies.

We’re going to be forced back into a Dive Meta which was by far the most boring must pick from season 5 - 9. :expressionless::expressionless::expressionless:


wrong, goats is still a thing. Dva needed a nerf, and sounds like reaper got the wrong type of buffs. if they want to end goats they would’ve nerfed Lucio

But hey Brig still has her repair pack right? I can guarantee they’re gonna go after that next.

it doesnt feel very well thought out, more of they went hey what can we do to nerf tanks? and thier answer is to make most get heavily nerfed because armor while buffing reaper so they cannot kill him and targetting dva so she cant defend herself even more
as a tank main if tanks become frustrating to play ill just become another dps main

Wouldn’t surprise me seeing as they have no problem nerfing heroes to the point that they become a troll pick, I mean just look at what they did to Doomfist.

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Why does everyone keep saying that D.Va needed the nerf?

Her winrate is pretty close to 50% across all ranks until Grand Master and even there she is behind Reinhardt and Zarya.

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