Just trying to get some Sombra mains and the greater Sombra community to have a bit of self reflection.
Trying to intentionally upset people then call anyone who finds Sombra unfun to play against bad is very trollish behavior, but they’re hallmarks of the Sombra community.
Well, I do not feel I have much to reflect on. I would not consider anyone saying “part of me wants to be petty but I am not going to because I want to have a good time” as toxic. I would consider it toxicity if it manifested, which it is not going to (I cannot overstate how much I do not enjoy playing DPS, especially in ranked - it is not a role for me and I am not going to play a game I am not having a fun time in).
The toxicity is a two-way street. So as long as we’re being equitable with calling out both sides and wanting the same from each, then we do not disagree.
Just so I understand, towards Sombra mains or the people being toxic to them? The way I wrote “the other players” and the context mentally flashbanged me and I confused myself lol.
They already have it rough, I do not need to do add to it more than I do when I sleep them or anti-nade them on Ana
cant wait to try actually to confirm if i will play her at all or not. i am hoping its terrible since yea ill just play widow and think to myself well… dont really have to worry about sombra anymore.
played widow the past 10 games and there was only a couple of sombras that gave me trouble. people still dont know really how to play her well (this is in qp).
Is that not part of her hacker archetype? I’m not sure what you’re arguing here. Did you want permastealth so you can spy on the enemy team more?
And if we want to lean away from her current pain points, those being her extremely low TTK and frustrations with “perma-stealth” we need to leverage it into the rest of her kit. We need to put power into things she does besides harass the enemy backline. I’m using the word “need” because it’s the only way to give strength to Sombra’s kit without further emphasizing the elements of it people hate.
White hat hackers specifically hack to improve features and security. If Sombra had a white-hat and a black-hat hack mode I think it would be thematic, especially because she is such a morally ambiguous character.
I personally don’t have much thought other than disliking Sombra. To be fair, this is both because I am bad and play console. I’ll probably try this iteration, but I don’t know man.
That’s good if that’s your intent. I didn’t read it that way so it read a lot worse than you meant.
I actually played Sombra quite a bit before her last rework and a tiny bit of the last one. I’m aware the toxicity Sombra players get, especially in game versus online, and it’s genuinely awful. It’s about as bad as trying to play Widow when she’s not meta. These behaviors are already well known and called out though and if you’re talking about me personally I’ve already railed against this and the attitudes that cause this.
And I’ve also seen these patterns of toxic behaviors from the Sombra community. Those who genuinely just main her to upset other people. Those who mock and deride anyone who disagrees with them. These are very common behaviors in Sombra only communities.
And the least toxic but most mainstream one, calling anyone who disagrees bad. This has made it essentially impossible to even try to discuss Sombra or her kit as a whole.
I would also like the playerbase to have some self reflection about whining about a hero who is only punishing to people who dont work as a team. Despite being able to swap characters or play smarter, the easiest thing to do is jusy whine until that character you dislike is guttered.
I used to play on console. I get it. A lot of things there are super powerful that are not that strong on PC, and things that are frustrating on both are (in my opinion) so much more annoying on console.
I played when Symmetra had the auto-aim noodle. I do not miss those days lol
I think the vast majority of those people were people who picked her up in Overwatch 2, and only really know asasino Sombra. Us old school Sombra players remember playing her when she was more like a 3rd support and enjoyed playing her for her utility.
I wish that they would strike a balance between the two. Let her flank and harass the backline, but give her more options when team fighting, specifically front to back team fights. We don’t need her old insane lockout on hack, we just need more utility on her and less “delete zen” buttons.
Exactly. Honestly one of the main reasons I play console right now is ease of use and friends. Also graphics. The computer I have renders OW like it’s TF2. My Xbox renders it like a game not from 2008!
Did you miss the part where I talked about white hat hackers? That’s a thing in real life. Hackers that hack to improve software. If she can hack Soldier’s legs off, then why can’t she hack people’s guns to make them shoot faster?
I’m still not sure what you mean when you prefer “info gatherer disruptor”. Does that mean you want perma-stealth? Does it mean you want longer hack lockouts? It doesn’t sound like you want more damage.
You might want to fix that typo, you might banned.
But outside of that sombra a member of a private military militia who has black mailed a major CEO, taken control of large robots, and mostly likely assassinated their fair share of people.
You could say she sometimes plays the role of a white hat hacker because her motives are clearly not completely malicious. She’s, for the most part, morally gray. She’s a gray hat hacker. Besides, I don’t think every change to a character’s kit has to be connected perfectly to their identity in the story.
My point is mainly that a lot of people liked that version of her hack from the Mirrorwatch event and that adding it to her kit would help fix a lot of her gameplay issues, not that it ties PERFECTLY into her lore.
Overwatch is a game that sells you on a character fantasy. With every tool in their kits designed around it. Including things that might break role norms like genji doing the whole deflect thing.
Mirror watch sombra is 100% a white hat hacker. That’s probably leaking info to the enemy if she is the reverse of are current hero.
I can understand why you did, given how some people respond here. Tone is also not present in text, so I understand how it can be read in a petty tone. I did also interpret your initial post to be malicious but I understand that now that it was not. No hard feelings.
A lot of people, both Sombra players and people who hate Sombra, make a lot of character attacks. It is exhausting, and I think it is making us all jaded so we just assume the worst intent now (I am guilty of this).
Thanks for clarifying.
I would actually say it is as bad as playing Widow…at all. Sometimes I see a Widow in my lobby and they get 1 pick, and my oh my the things people write in the match chat from the enemy team.
I have seen that as well, and it makes me grit my teeth because it does more harm than good. I think there are other mains who have done the same (to a lesser degree). I have seen Roadhog players do it (there is one that snapped at me when I was not being aggressive, and said some really out-of-pocket things to me ) as well as Orisa players, but I feel like it is more often Sombra since she is more discussed than the others.
This is also what makes me frustrated with both sides. There are some times where I understand people’s frustrations and can identify and acknowledge when someone is simply venting. Venting is necessary for sanity maintenance, so I do not take issue with those.
I have a lot more to say about this but don’t want to bombard you with a wall of text (more than I already have :'] ) , but tl;dr is that I think the, “you’re bad and therefore your argument sucks” goes both ways. And it is because each side has abused each other for too long. Sombra mains/players trying to discuss Sombra with people who are frustrated by her are not productive, and discussions with people who exhausted by being criticized and berated is also not productive. I think that is the most frustrating thing for me.
I like to be empathetic towards people but I am tired . I have been kind and empathetic, and it got me berated. When I am not being empathetic and I am being curt, I get it. I deserve the responses. But I have been non-curt, I have been gentle, I have been patient, it has not yielded positive results lol.
I responded to a thread yesterday that was essentially saying, “the only people complaining about Sombra changes are the people playing Sombra”. I responded with, “I refuse to believe you think the people saying it’s a good change, after they’ve said they want her dumpstered/deleted, hold any weight on this.”
And someone else responded to me with “Give me your tears, the salty tears from your loss of your crutch”.
Sometimes, you can’t exist because people want to pretend you are the physical manifestation of their emotional frustrations, and they want to punch you down because of it. I think that goes both ways.