That was an action I did when I was at my pc.
Once I press LMB once I can go have a shower and my widow keeps getting healed until I get eliminated, kicked for afk(Not sure if that would trigger here), widow leaves my range /dies or Lastly I arrive back from my shower and press another input like switching to dmg boost.
I mean honestly, sym, torb, lucio can do similar things without the need for further inputs from the player, and can run the game idle. But notnto such a degree that I won’t get flamed by my team.
Yesterday I had a tank and DPS on my team with default or basic player icons, and a DPS and a supp on the other team with default or basic player icons… all four had endorsement level 2…
Tank and DPS on my team were clearly throwing, while their level 2 endorsement DPS and Supp had the BEST stats… coincidence much?? I think not! Just need to understand how they grouped and ended up against each other…
You are reporting too much lol, I rarely report people and when I do it’s clearly effective, I get notifications all the time, just because you wanted something to happen doesn’t mean it will…
The Game is terrible right now but cheaters are not the reason
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i dont believe you, i wouldn’t be getting batches of notifications if you were correct.
we also know that the devs do ban waves
We also know it’s highly likely some of the devs enjoy cheese sandwiches, has nothing to do with the report system though…
If you are sending literally dozens of reports in a relatively short space of time, you are over reporting and creating your own annoyance when nothing happens ><
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Its really no offense to you - we both know the Matchmaker is rigged, but if you are stuck in metal ranks with Ashe its on your mechanics mostly or positioning.
If you have extrem good mechanics and understand positioning on a good level you should at least climb to diamond with more or less 0 problems.
Game gets hard even for GMs on old Accounts at Diamond 1/ Master 5. this is a starting point where mechanics and „good“ gamesense cant carry worse team anymore.
Unless your name is GaleAdelade, Dafran etc. But those are 0.000001%.
Starts so wrong (rigged isn’t a thing) recovers well.
He reason anyone is “stuck” is because their skills need improving. Be that mechanics, positioning, whatever.
Its okay Mr. Blizzard employee.
It IS in fact rigged and Blizzard already confirmed this.
Lol. If that’s what you truly believe, then you playing the game is a complete waste of your time.
You’ve almost certainly played the game over multiple accounts (as this clearly isn’t your only one). If it was rigged, you’d have moved on to games you actually enjoyed, instead of creating more accounts.
(It isn’t a thing, and they’ve not “confirmed” something that doesn’t happen).
I have to ask. Do you believe matchmaking is the only thing in this game?
What I truly believe? It is not a „believe or believe not“ thing.
They CONFIRMED they rigg the matchmaking. It is in the fkn patch notes.
It is in activision patents FOR YEARS.
Lol why am I not surprised you latches on to that.
That’s not rigging. That’s just explaining how match making works.
What an odd question.
I think it’s a very neutral aspect of the game. It doesn’t stop me having fun, it doesn’t stop me improving as a play if I choose to. It just exists.
Are you actually stupid?
This is the definiton of rigging.
They admitted, that they CALCULATE CHANCES for teams who will win/lose and put players based on that together to PREVENT LOSE STREAKS
You know that words have meanings right?
You’re stupid if you think that’s rigging. All they are doing is balancing the teams more finely. Given then MMR range would be fairly slim anyways.
They aren’t trying to prevent loss streaks. They are just making sure the person who is on one isn’t on the team with the fractionally lower MMR average. Which will make little to no difference, but if people feel like it does then that’s grand.
If you think they care enough, or have the resources, to be manipulating individual matches, you’re a lunatic.
The post specifically mentions players who are already on loss streaks. How do you prevent something after it already happened?
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You think in the wrong direction.
A lose streak can be 5 losses. It can be 15 losses.
They prevent players which are already losing lose even more by giving them a calculated match they are likely to win. And this is the definition of RIGGING.
Imagine thinking rigging is a thing
Imagine thinking it’s a thing and continuing to invest your time and/or money into it
No they don’t.
They put them on the side with the slightly higher MMR average. You think the 2 teams are actually so far apart it would be anything more than a token gesture it’s not like they’ve gone “diamond Pete, you’ve lost a few games. Here’s a silver team to play against”.
They literally go this team is average +1.2 MMR the other is +1.18 MMR. So the DPS who’s lost we’ll put on he 1.2 team.
It’s also, probably complete balls anyways and just an post to trigger engagement… Because they’ve said in the past the match maker doesn’t seem stats, win rates or match results.
Ah, so you acknowledge deeply it doesn’t determine the worth of playing the game.
I’ll quote this next time you tell someone to quit because of matchmaking.