Nerfing Moira is a non-sense at this point

This doesn’t nerf Moiras survivability THAT much… only her ability to 1v1. She can still throw healing orb and let it heal her, she still has fade. This is honestly quite a small change.

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She’s the only support that is fairly viable in this meta. Because of double shields. That’s the point of my post that you have most likely not read. But that’s fine.

That is highly subjective, thank you again for your opinion.

GM with Mercy.

Bassically there is no point of crying bcs of that change

Hopfully we won’t see as much dps moiras now.

All i am talking about is that now she cant dps as much as she used to which was srsly boring

Honestly, that’s the only positive I see about this change. I just have never really seen any DPS Moira in GM, they’re too busy avoiding Doomfists and Reapers. To which they’re gonna probably die now more easily.

Cmon bro stop crying about dying maybe play ana and stay in a good position

I don’t see anyone crying, except for one dude spamming my post even after making his opinion clear. I thank you for that opinion, but if you don’t have anything else to add, please adhere to the forum’s TOS and stop spamming here.

It just annoys me how moira otp’s cry about a small change

Imo you’re mixing things up, the buff she got (and lost) was to buff her utility, because she lacks an anti-heal a speed boost, a discord orb or an immortality field.

This buff was suposed to enable her to get out of stuns so she could help her team survive them.

There’s no proof but my best guess is that it made her too survivable and thus was reversed.

And her self heal getting nerfed is most likely to prevent flanking dps Moira to do her stuff so easily.

She had changes, she took advantage from the Beam fix.
I can’t tell you how much more dmg she does, but it must be way less than Sym/Zarya, because they got nerfed for that reason.

here is a quote from an overwatch dev:

This bug fix can have a significant impact for both Zarya and Symmetra beam damage and to a lesser extent Winston and Moira. It will make damage feel more consistent but does not increase their maximum damage.


That’s one way to comprehend that post. To me, they acknowledged her very true lack of utility and then, as they said, increased her “evasive nature”. Evasive nature means survivability.

Nerfing her, after she’s been enabled by double shields even with no changes to her whatsoever (literally the only buff she got over the years was a slight buff to juice recharge and to HoT effect), to me makes no sense. As I said, she will be useless again after double shields dies, even more so because of lowered survivability. And then they’re gonna overbuff her and it’s gonna start all over again.

Forgot about this one. I haven’t noticed a single thing while playing her regarding her beam effectiveness. Keep in mind they nerfed her too, with a bugfix that disabled her healing to go through shields. Needless to say that would be insanely OP now.

In my opinion Moira didn’t need a nerf. However, this nerf isn’t really that bad. I think that Moira can still duel the same heroes she could before even with the nerf. Although players using Moira should have not been using her that way lol. Moira was more of a… coup de grace type of hero.

I understand your upset that Moira got nerfed, it’s crazy when there are other heroes in this game who deserved it way more. Just know that Moira’s nerfs could have been worse. There are actually people who want Moira to be more mechanically heavy as if she were Hanzo or something🤣.

A more mechanically heavy Moira would be a buff to good Moira and a nerf to bad ones. Everyone wants that, except … a Moira player knowing his mechanical skills are bad I guess ?

Especially if that would increase her utility. That would be a godsend.

Anyway, I’m not saying here how that change is bad or not, or how big the nerf is or not. I’m saying nerfing Moira right now is dumb, because she’s only played only thanks to double shields meta.

they realized she was too easy and trued to change that.
i would prefer a rework

I remember Jeff saying they don’t like to rework and no wonder after what happened to Mercy. They’d risk doing that again. But it’s true Moira’s duality in healing and damage is what’s stopping her from having utility or higher skill level.

I think she’s indeed the best healer because of double shields. But prior to this meta she was only second to Ana.
It’s not that Moira was bad, at all. It’s just that Ana was better.

So, if we give Rein a weapon that requires more mechanics to use would that separate the “good Rein’s from the bad?” This game offers all players with different skill sets the opportunity to succeed. There are heroes that require amazing mechanics to use to their fullest extent, and there are other heroes that require more game sense to use well. Moira is all about managing your abilities, the ones that can do that are the best Moira’s. Being an amazing Moira has little to do with getting elims.

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bcz many people cry about them.
and btw brig just got one :slight_smile:

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