Nerfcy, Looking for opinions about mercy (feedback from mercy mains are also appreciated)

That’s what I did. I play each of the supports now (except Ana, honestly)

People being vocal about Mercy hasn’t changed. Before and after the initial rework there were dozens upon dozens of threads

No, she has always relied on teammates.
Make her Guardian Angel better and easier to do complex maneuvers with. (not too much easier)

What I mean is things like the “super jump” shouldn’t be as tight as it is. Making the timing a bit easier would help that move.

I, personally, have always wanted the ability to move around while using Guardian Angel instead of just going in a straight line.

My most requested feature as of yet is making it so that you can have “prefers beam target on” and “prefers beam target off” enabled at the same time.

The fix is stupidly easy. Just make it so that you can make a key for either one. Instead of choosing which one you can use for the match choose which one you can do on the fly. That would add more variety.

I thought it was because the status show that Mercy is in a good place overall, but they still try to convince everyone that she sucks.

I mean, numbers don’t lie…

  1. Yes and no. If a meta essentailly strong arms a relatively balanced hero out (ie Half the DPS roster v GOATs) it’s sensible to temporarily move on and play what works while advocating for tweaks/changes to overtuned heroes that are strong-arming others into oblivion. If a hero that you absolutely loved is reworked to a former shell of itself with no similar hero on the roster, moving on will never satisfy the itch to play them again. While I still love Mercy’s GA and Beams I tend to blow Valk and Rez as soon as I can because I feel obligated to use them, not because I want to use them.

  2. I wasn’t active on the forums prior to Valk hitting live, but I have been rereading the old forums trying to dig up data on Mercy’s playerbase’s reactions and suggestions overtime, as well as overall community perceptions, suggestions and feelings towards Mercy/Mercy mains. I can’t tell you the number of posts I’ve read where people go into detail on why Blizz should’ve listened to a 404ed feedback thread where apparently people were abhorently against the initial Valk, or the number of posts requesting a temporary revert while Valk was retuned to not be game breaking for 9 months.

  3. Not necessarily. I feel that her power level is just screwed up by the theoretical possibilities of E-Rez that it feels justified if the rest of her kit is lacking. I also think there are problems with how she is judged vs Ana with Moira essentially getting a free pass due to being balanced but lackluster in most scenarios. I’d honestly rather see every “main” healer get a revive mechanic so passing judgement on what’s “too good” is less wrapped in theoretical values that can’t be properly evaluated in a balancing scenario.

Edit: Holy crap. I read that very wrongly!!! my apologies.
No, no… everyone is welcome to join in! I quite literally said that in my original starting post. I wanted opinions from mercy mains, because I wanted to understand their point of view(s), and how it compares with my own experiences playing the hero.
In fact, I really appreciate non-mercy players giving their feedback. I would very much like this thread to provide some honest insight into the mindset and conflicting views of different players, rather than just becoming a dumping ground for complaints.
Thus far it’s been really great. Thank you mercy and non-mercy mains alike!!

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  1. Mercy is he only character that fits my playstyle. I’ll be still playing her even when they nerf her to the ground.
  2. At first I thought it would breath a new air when they reworked her, then all went downhill with constant nerfs to the valkyrie and her healing power.
  3. I like the guardian angel, but I wish i have some mobility to escape dps without teammates around, like high jump. You know mercy will always be target no 1 by all dps before anything else. It’s hard life being a mercy.

I’m no mercy main, but I am a support main, and I can tell you that every support relies on their teammates. Even Reddit Lucio requires his team to be able to take advantage of the people he boops out of place, or have them group up when he’s healing them.

I use toggle. It’s already hectic enough to fly here and there, toggle healing at least gives a little bit of relief to my index finger.

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With all due respect, I am wondering where you got your numbers, and how you translate being the second least picked support in gm and diamond competitive as ‘in a good place overall’. She literally has 1/10 th the pick rate of ana in GM and 1/5th in masters. That’s not a good distribution.

my source is overbuff btw.

Ana/Zen/flex hitscan main.

1] I’ve switched and moved on when my main was dumpstered around S5. It sucks. Mercy deserves reasons to pick her like any other character; the problem is that it is survivability, which only becomes a factor when backlines are being shredded on a somewhat consistent basis. We haven’t seen that in a while, and people aren’t going to take that well when the meta pendulum swings back that way.

2] More words have been spilled about Mercy than anything else. While the overwhelming majority of it was not constructive feedback or anything remotely close, there remained a ton of useful discussion, and there were a ton of posts defending Mercy as a matter of ideology even though all but the last nerf were very necessary for the game.

3] The other supports are more than acceptable in this regard; I wouldn’t be maining support if this wasn’t the case. For Mercy the problem is that her benefits are largely microeconomic, doing little things here and there as a consequence to the way her kit was designed. She needs a substantial rework and redesign to fix this.

We only have one, I don’t see the problem with making more characters like this.

She’s pretty meta dependant too

Like if we end up with a cross fire meta or something after these goats nerfs you’ll see her more in pro play probs

More power to you!! I really like how you were able to support the team as the sole healer with only one tank!

That being said, I couldn’t help but noticed that things weren’t too fun for the enemy team haha XD. It isn’t fun to 5v6 lul.

Pick rates are zero sum.

The problem isn’t that Mercy’s pick rate is so low, it’s that Ana’s pick rate is so high.

Ana’s pick rate is way out of control right now above gold. If Ana were changed today and her pick rate decreased tomorrow, some of that decrease would be picked up by Mercy because, despite what Mercy mains say, she’s not a total train-wreck-f-tier hero.

I think that people should. I am still a Mercy main tho, played her since season 2 and still do in comp. What I think is that Blizzard has to balance and change heroes for the game and not for the players. Mas res after his buff was unhealthy and frustrating to play against and sometimes play with. When I was not playing Mercy in some CompMatches, then Mercys who were not in the fight and just screamed that I should die- I don’t want to die in that game. Dying makes me feel bad, that I did something wrong.
So yes, long story short. If people find Mercy boring now and dislike the new her, then why are they still playing her? Or forcing a rework? She seems fine, otherwise Blizzard would have reacted almost 1.5 years ago.

Why I see is that YouTube and overwatch is getting overloaded with #ReworkMercy stuff. Which gets ignored by the developers because they think that she is fine right now if you look at her from a balancing point of view.

Yes because with every other support you have more kill (Zen or Lucio but also Brig and Moira and Ana) or simply have more CC (Ana, Zen). Mercy has her res which is depending where your ally died and if you team can also help you. With Ana you might sleep the elating (nano) genji, the shattering Rein, the ulting Roadhog and so on.
Every support has a from of CC or a way of to “carry the game by themselves” and then we have Mercy.
Res is super powerful and so is Valk in my opinion. But you are healing your allies, you are resing your allies and you also dmg boost your allies - what I want to say that she is pretty depending on her team. So is every character but I think Mercy has the most dependency of them all.

(but I still love her!)

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Nothing wrong with s76. You got me there. But he isn’t really a healer is he.
Brig on the other hand, is a very hypocritical response to all the complaints people were giving dive. Like how people complained genji was low skill (whatever they say lul) and had a stacked skill set, yet brig comes with nearly every type of skill currently conceived save flight, but with far less mechanical skill required. You are very welcome to share why you disagree with my assessment.

They left after they died in overtime.

1200 hours 4150 Mercy peak player

Im gonna start by saying Mercy does a lot. But she still has her issues. Her winrates are really high, compared to before. 56 in GM, thats the highest support winrate in GM i think.

Mercy’s issues are essentially the way she actually gets value in a game. Valk is essentially her carry, if you use valk correctly (damage boosting for the entire duration) then your team gains a huge ultimate advantage. this is what wins games for mercy But this value is extremely hard to get, especially in lower ranks where the knowledge of the players to do damage and engage with valk is low. If you dont get value out of valk, you are essentially a healbot, and that will not win you games.

Her skill ceiling is so high currently, she can get game-winning value from her ultimate. But the issue is, if you miss that opportunity, or your team are unable to capitalize off of it, you lose. Now that could be your teams fault, or your fault, but the point of this is that it is a very very hard ultimate to use.

What needs to be changed

Mercy’s valk is currently so OP in the right hands, it gets so much value compared to other ults.

But the other parts of her kit are kind of… well useless. Every other part of her kit is just overshadowed by other supports and their abilities. Both main healers do more healing than Mercy, res only comes into play 1/2 the fights of the game, and mobility isnt a requirement since a hero like ana has defensive capabilities(nade/sleep)

Solution: Nerf Valk’s ability to create that huge ultimate advantage, and buff her mid-fight value (new ability, burst healing, you get the point.)