Nerf this, nerf that, but cheaters are totally ignored

Oh, you’re one of those.

I know it’s not popular to say, but I had to since the OP mentioned it and I disagree. She is much more annoying to me as a support/backline player because good Sombra players who have adapted are wayyyyyyy more present and harassing to deal with than the pre-rework perma invis ones.

Perma-invis Sombra was someone I could expose by just peppering the area around me if I felt like she was lurking and she’d suffer cooldown. I can still pepper the area to expose her now, but she can rapidly pop in and out constantly so much that she never sticks around long enough for me to gift her a respawn timer unless she’s sloppy.

All that harassing she does isn’t something that’s gonna show up on a scoreboard for her in a meaningful way other than a decrease in my healing numbers, but doing that constantly is enough to create pick opportunities on my teammates for her team because i’m having to redirect my focus to her and can’t ignore it.

I don’t think it’s as rampant as people make it out to be, but I’ve come across some.

I actually did have a replay code but then the update happened, and the replay code doesn’t work anymore.

Map was Hanaoka. They wall-hacked and aimbotted. I watched the replay and saw him start tracking me from across the map, even when I was Zen and don’t make a sound and they never saw me at any point. Then when they were killing things, it felt like they never missed - watched the reply and they were aimhacking.

The weird thing is that they were Hanzo. Of all the heroes to aimbot on, Hanzo. :sob:

I agree, I can’t say i’ve been in a lot of matches where I felt like people were blatantly cheating. I’ve only had one or two where I felt strongly like it was lag compensation in their favor or someone being very careful and toggling.


Yeah it’s ridiculous. Then they cover it up by removing posts like yours “flagged by the community” (probably by cheats).

Everyone knows the game is riddled with cheaters. They may not do nothing, but they certainly haven’t been even slightly effective in tackling the problem.

With Microsoft’s knowhow and resources it should be fairly straightforward to solve the issue. But as ever, nothing changes.


Yes but there’s a significant proportion of the accounts here that are used by cheaters. If that’s 200M then banning <900k is insufficient. Especially since that 900k at the moment can as easily as they get the cheat buy another account from the same place.

This is THE primary reason why I won’t invest in the game that and the fact you can have your account GONE by being reported for calling out cheating / no reason at all.

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Is there a tangible ballpark number of verified and active cheat accounts (utilized in the past 90 days, for example) that can be pointed to?

I’m not saying they don’t exist, I just don’t know how rampant this really is. Maybe it’s far easier to see on console and ximming is the primary suspect. I play on PC so I haven’t had too many sus matches.

It is extremely rampant. Most are using subtle aimbots rather than rage hacking.
Most aimbotters play Doomfist, Ball, D.Va, Hog, all hitscans, Hanzo, Torb, Tracer, Ana, Juno, Kiriko, Zen, Baptiste, and even Mercy using aimbots for auto-healing.

It is ridiculous. There is that free cheat going on for years “undetected” in cheat forums, and Blizzard fails to address this issue.

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I wish

All of those “forum users” are your alt accounts


It is not and this is blatant disinformation. Again. Lmao. But what else is to be expected from a genuine Misti conspiracy thread

What does this even mean? “I got (almost) suspended” is the dumbest thing I’ve seen in this thread and you’re not even the OP.

And that’s a pretty high bar that was set too

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Why… Why would you use aimbot on Doomfist and Mercy? That doesn’t make sense?

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Summed up most of Misti’s posts pretty good right there


im starting to wonder if cheaters are causing the bugs in the POTG and replay systems

cheaters in OW2 are not that common.

That is exactly what a cheater would say. However, real-time experience proves that the game is infested with unchecked and rampant cheating.

Please keep in mind the “real-time experience” is Misti’s personal gameplay in which the overwhelming majority of the replays they have shared are just clips of them getting outplayed and not cheaters. The tinfoil hat is getting a little too tight.

Yeah it’s super sad really.

Two reasons it could be:

  1. Impractical to fix; are not really being targeted effectively, it’s a waste of effort.
  2. Cheaters spend money; are not really being targeted effectively, on purpose.

Any more?

Streamers cheat, but they generate views and people watch them, which equals advertising. Consequently, cheaters cannot be banned because half of the streamers would be banned as well unless whitelisted streamers are ignored.

Cheaters are needed for rigged matchmaking to make a forced loss a 100% loss.

There are corrupt employees who share source code and are illegally involved in cheat development or information leaking.