Nerf Pharmercy please

He said tracer.


Well that makes about as much sense as saying reaper counters pharmercy.

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Because she can go after the other support without having to worry about Mercy’s help, right?

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Also come from WyomingMist themselves:
“Given how Pharah is dominating the highest ranks and professional play in the current meta game (which is where game balance is primarily focused around), it is extremely unlikely that she will see any additional buffs any time soon.”

First, source.

Second, this doesn’t mean anything regarding nerfs.

I mean typically when a hero is dominating, they need nerfs.

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At PC there’s not sign of it, nor in data nor in overall perception. Moreover, this is a surprise, quite a liked one, since Pharah has been trash-tier in high level of play for a long period of time.

Also, the balance isn’t primarily focused on console, especially now that cross play is a thing.

The Pharmercy combo has a glaring weakness.

Mercy has to stay with pharah else the combo doesnt work, obviously.

That makes it so that there are less players on the ground and the other support is more vulnerable to attacks.

Pressuring the other support with tracer makes it so that they cant heal the tanks anymore and that mercy has to decide whether she leaves pharah alone to help her co-support.

That puts a huge amount of pressure on to the enemy team.

Tbh, i think that a high ranked pharah player knows it better than we do.


Typical forum responses:

“Pharmercy isn’t overperforming” - Yes it is.
“She isn’t picked nearly as much as hitscan” - Once they start losing, they’ll bring out the pharmercy and these days many just start off as pharah.
“Just aim better” - Tell that to GM players.
“Kill mercy first” - As if people don’t try to do that already.
“She isn’t unstoppable” - Classic strawman. We know you can kill pharah, it’s just way too easy to play pharah compared to playing against pharah.
“Just ignore pharah” - Idiotic take. Pharah makes herself impossible to ignore.


The sheer coordination you need to pull this off consistently over the course of a game does not happen on ladder. You can maybe pull it off a few times but not enough to really matter. Also another option that requires way more coordination than simply running a pharmercy of your own.

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You just need to pick Tracer and go after the other support, it doesn’t require coordination.

Sure, just pick tracer and 1v4 the enemy backline. Sure.

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I’m just glad people found a new hero to complain about. The “McCree op” threads were getting old.

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Ok, it appears that you don’t want to learn or listen and prefer to complain about an unchanged combo in 5 years, keep complaining, you will sure get what you want.


Naaah this month is Soldier i think. But Pharah is the closest :slight_smile:

Wait until people discover about Widow/Mercy, it will be glorious

It doesn’t require coordination to beat a pharmercy guys. Just go Tracer and kill the other support laawl. Just kill the other support, so what if they are stood next to two tanks and a dps? Just kill them with Tracer laaaaaaaawl.

Dude, its been an op combo for 5 years. In those 5 years I’ve gone from 2007sr to 4512sr, and back to mid masters after realising how awful the gm experience actually is (you are hounded out of playing your mains in favour of playing meta). I’ve learned about the game a lot, I will continue to complain about what I believe to still be an op combo.

I didnt know that the tanks are in the backline.

Who is the frontline then?

The worst that could happen is 1v2. The tanks have to hold the frontline after all.

If you can pressure them so much that they all turn around for you then you have won the team fight.

There is hardly any coordination needed.

Dont come up with hypothetical game scenarios that will hardly ever occur this way.

If a rank 1 pharah player tells me that tracer is the best way to counter pharmercy easily than I believe him.

Especially because you seem to be biased.


:3c have you tried using Fire Spin on the mercy to prevent her from healing herself passively? Or Roar to force the pharah to switch out with another random member of her party? :3c

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Okay good. Then nerf her cancerous aspects and make the hero feel better.

Ok you main pharah