Nerf mercy or this game will die, and none of us want that

Overwatch is so close to my favorite multiplayer game ever made.

but there is a glaring elephant in the room. The game’s balancing is ruining the fun for long time players, the type of players that stay for years. The type of players that keep DotA and CS and Starcraft strong a decade later.

Why does it take so long for them to make changes? DotA balances in days. There’s nothing wrong with things being unbalanced as long as it gets fixed.

Mercy and Zen have been the clear strongest supports for a year now.

The only viable DPS are one shot heroes.

In the playoffs, teams are mostly running a solo heal mercy even. She’s so strong, they just add another one shot hero (Roadhog) instead of a healer. With hanzo/widow/hog… Mercy’s unstoppable healing can’t save them and you can’t rez them all.

I just don’t understand what they’re doing. They made a great game, that people love, and they’re choosing to destroy it.

People aren’t going to spend a decade playing a game when there is clear lack of balance. Especially when the most forgiving, intro level hero in the entire game is the dominant one.

It’s just sad. None of us want this game to die. None of us want mercy to suck, we just want to be able to play other supports without having to overcome how strong she is.


156 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018