Nerf Mercy or buff other healers!

Total line of sight only for heals and damage boost. No more hiding behind corners. Than she receives the same treatment for healing through barriers… She gets hit with that sweet fix as well.

Lucio’s healing output is just not high enough.

You make me happy to see someone who plays a lot of mercy, who doesnt think she is just fine and other supports are weak, and should all be buffed up to her lvl.

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But, she has close range healing. Someone like Ana or Zen can at least stay in the backline, whereas Mercy’s stuck with the front-line (yes, guardian angel exists, however if Mercy flies away she isn’t healing her tanks, so say goodbye to them). And, the healing around the corner lasts like a second due to tick-rate on her beam.

Just responding to your comment. What else could they nerf. Also I believe Mercy has more range than Moira.

It hasnt even been a full day yet, we havent seen sym in ranked either. It is far too early to judge if she is good or not yet. From my first impressions id say she is, and is quite annoying, but ive seen many other sym mains say she is trash now. Ill just wait and see.

I’m not too upset about Lucio’s healing, to be honest. I do think it could be upped a bit, but that’s not meant to be his primary function…the problem is that Lucio’s primary function is slowly being eroded away by new heros, and by new abilities, that just throw his role in the game into question.

If Lucio got any sort of healing buff, I do not think it should be the radius again. I like the radius change. It’s like what happened with Mercy; Blizz thought Lucio wasn’t being played the way they intended for the hero with his kit, so they reworked it. They never wanted Lucio -who was the most mobile hero in the game, generally- to just sit back and get so much use from amp. That’s a bad risk/reward ratio (which is my primary complaint about Mercy). So they made him faster, more mobile, but also made it so he really has to truck around to others to heal them.

I would say perhaps make Lucio’s healing based on a percentage of the ally’s max health. That way he can help out tanks a little more than he does. And, to be perfectly honest, Amp being on a 12s CD is like a joke the way the game is evolving. Everyone has these shorter CDs, and Amp, while a good ability, is nowhere near so valuable that it couldn’t be on a 10s.

No, Moira and Mercy both have 15m range healing with left click.

The difference is that Mercy’s healing is way more “bendy”, she can use it from the air rather than being ground-locked like Moira, has no resource, can be used through barriers, has a 3-second LoS grace period… etc

Oh sorry. Thought you were saying you wanted it as a nerf for her. My fault.

In response to your Moira thing though, Moira has a lot better self defense. She also has healing which ‘pierces’ her allies, therefore giving her massive potential healing for her team, hence the lower range makes sense.

Lucio rework actually worked out well, the following season after his rework (season 5) he was still the best support, it was still pick lucio and 1 other support, ideally zen since there was a lot of dive at the top. And mercy still has a good ult, of course not the same as mass rez, but she is stronger now and still valk is pretty good. Id take it over nano, sound barrier, and prob moira ult.

lol no, her regen and GA have never been a problem and are still not a problem. Mercy had the same survivability before the rework, same regen, same short GA cooldown. And Ana, Lucio, and Zen were all still more meta and strong than her, especially at high ranks.

Just because rez is making Mercy too strong currently doesn’t mean you can try to convince the Devs to nerf the aspects of her kit that annoy you. Jeff said it himself:

"We are very intentionally trying to bring the power level of resurrect down. We want the top two things you notice about Mercy to be, “Oh my God, she’s an amazing throughput healer,” and “Wow, look at that mobility, she’s just flowing back and forth through the map."

So no, they won’t be nerfing her mobility, or her healing for that matter, they’d sooner nerf/remove rez.

It’s NOT 3 seconds, more like 1 second. Mercy’s GA cooldown is 2 seconds, the beam does not last longer than that through walls xD

I feel like Zen is on the same level as Mercy. Discord is super powerful.

Oof. Threads like these make me glad they don’t listen to our feedback. :laughing:

This is so true. There is only one healer, Mercy. I play on console so Ana is useless, Moira can’t heal from afar, Brigitte’s healing is on cooldown or she has to be smacking someone, Lucio has not enough healing from his aura, Zen is basically a DPS with healing that heals one person, and we’re left with Mercy.

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So Mercy has a one-second grace period, a bendable beam, is not bound by the ground, has resurrect, has better mobility, has damage boost, gets more healing done on average than any healer… etc

Soo… Looking at main healers.

Decrease the time Mercy’s beam will disconnect.
Increase the initial amount of healing Ana will do.
Tweak Moira’s resource meter.


Mercy can do head shot and her pistol is pretty accurate. A lot of users do not utilize the damage boost I have notice in QP.

I use to prefer Mercy as my go to healer and Lucio as my secondary. I prefer Moira because I mainly QP and notice the lack of DPS by the DPS to help assist the tanks with finishing blows.

Lucio is still my second favorite and I would like to see his aura to give effective health stacking while in his AoE. He does not receive any extra health from his aura but his team does. This would make some very interesting comps.

It seems like we are all in agreement here.

Okay J.Kap… time to address Mercy in the next PTR please and thank-you