Nerf Mercy or buff other healers!

Couldn’t agree more. Mercy needs to be tuned down, if we buff other supports to her level it would be insane power creep and we’d enter a 5 support meta which I’m sure no one wants to see. It should be a mix of both though, Ana and especially Moira could use some slight buffs while Mercy gets some not so slight nerfs or a complete rework that detunes her power at the same time.


110% agree with you. I also dont want a power creep to happen more than it already has in the game.

I think there should be a mix of bringing up some other supports while nerfing Mercy some more because its a joke how strong she is, and has been since forever.

buff the other supports so they can do their jobs correctly but don’t overdo the buffs.

nerfing mercy will fix nothing and wont fix ana or the other healers at all


Buff Zen! Yes! Wait a minute…

I dont think he needs a “buff” exactly. I think other things could help Zen. Things like showing his Discorded target to the team with the same red icon Zen players see.

Also, personally, I would love to take a range nerf on his heal with the ability to place the Harmony Orb through the walls instead

Rework/revert Mercy. Don’t give her a 9th nerf, the fact she’s had so many nerfs is proof the rework was a failure. We also need more main healers and to buff those like Ana/potentially Lucio.


I agree that the rework was a total bomb. Just like Sym 3.0

But something has to be done and if bringing down her power while buffing other healers is the quickest way to do it until they decide to actually rework her again, I think I would be okay with that

I wouldn’t be. I’ve had to manage with this boring Mercy since the rework/nerfs, I don’t want to have to deal with an even more dumbed down Mercy for another who knows how long.


This is literally why every single support has received major nerfs since release.

  1. Remember when Zenyatta used to have a 50% Orb?
  2. Remember when Lucio used to heal in a large AoE?
  3. Remember when Ana used to actually have an ultimate?
  4. Remember when Mercy used to have a good ultimate?

Every support had their moment in the sun where they were dominant and the community called for major nerfs to “bring them back to balance”. The end result has just been supports getting nerfed continuously.


I know exactly how you feel. I absolutely HATE Valk. Spectator mode engaged.

The rework just missed the mark by… a LOT

Personally, I think Mercy 1.0 was fine, BUT needed some major changes and a new ability not a total rework


My favorite healer is Lucio by far, but I’ve shelved him for a bit. Been mostly playing Mercy. I may work on Zen for kicks.

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Will Ferrell voice, “Lucio!”

Right? Lucio was SO much fun before he was nerfed into the ground.

Season 1/2 I only played Lucio because he could actually heal his team. Lucio/Zen was a viable thing…now if you tried to do that, your team will just die because there isn’t enough healing output to keep up with all the damage in the game.

It all comes down to bad balance. You should be able to pick any 2 healers and have enough healing to support your team.

This. Right now, Rez as an ability is like an anchor. It holds Mercy down and since Blizzard wants to keep rez so badly, they are willing to nerf her over and over and over in order to keep rez and try to balance her. Just get rid of it, no one even wants it at this point. It’s unfun for the enemy, it’s unfun for Mercy players, it’s frustrating and disrupts the flow of the game and gives Mercy an unfair edge over other supports, esp. in its current state.

Why does the most consistent healer also have a rez ability? If any hero should be able to rez, it’s an off healer who has low HPS. High healing + rez = overkill in my opinion.

jeff said in an interview that the team has “10 different fixes to try if this one doesn’t work out” and “[doesn’t] want Mercy to go away, but [doesn’t] want rez to define her.”

So use the PTR and let’s see those “10 different fixes” please? Instead of calling for nerfs to Mercy’s HPS and mobility, which are not at all OP and were never a problem before the rework, let’s rework Mercy while also brining her power level down to the other supports.


To be honest, how could you nerd Mercy any more without removing the last few things she still has?

Blizzard should have really accepted that the rework was a failure when the best part of it was a literal bug that just got accepted as a feature.


We still should be forced to play zenyatta And one hitscan because the enemy can pick pharah…

Mercy needs a nerf. Her risk/reward is so far out of balance; her survivibility needs to be toned down for sure (through GA, and perhaps her self-heal), and her rez needs to be behind the barrier of her Valk. She gets one instant rez per valk.

That, and Ana and Lucio need small buffs -not to bring them up to Mercy’s level, but because Mercy’s dominance is currently hiding the very real issue with the two of them that is general powercreep.

Just because one healer is overpowered does not mean the others need to be super-buffed to that level. That’s a slippery slope; I’m a Lucio main, and if Lucio’s kit were nearly as forgiving and easy-to-manage, with that risk/reward ratio, I would dump on most of the cast. That’s not the goal, it’s balance. Currently, Mercy is far out of balance, which is throwing everything else out of balance. She’s been like this for nearly nine months. Mercy meta has never ended.


Total line of sight only for heals and damage boost. No more hiding behind corners. Than she receives the same treatment for healing through barriers… She gets hit with that sweet fix as well.

Lucio’s healing output is just not high enough.

You make me happy to see someone who plays a lot of mercy, who doesnt think she is just fine and other supports are weak, and should all be buffed up to her lvl.

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