Nerf Mercy into the ground

It’s the best way to get her to a place where everyone will enjoy her

Nerf Valkyries Duration down to 8 seconds at the max
Nerf the effectiveness of the chain beams by 50%
Remove the buff to self healing

Since she’s balanced we can’t buff her to feel more powerful without nerfs
If we give her these three nerfs to the passive parts of her kit we can buff the more active parts
Buff the main beam so that it can actually feel like you save someone from the brink of death.
Maybe look into letting Mercy Dual Wield the pistol and staff
Maybe look at rez again once the power goes down

There are so many options openedonce we get rid of these aspects of the kit. So many awesome and exciting new ways to power it up again if we get rid of this power in the boring places.


127 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018