Nerf Brigitte shield already

My problem with her was never her damage itself, but how much healing she can put out with it, especially during team fights.

But apparently you guys are all grouping up against me, so I’ll just shut up and go to my corner to sulk. :sob:

I feel like you guys are not looking at the bigger picture…

No matter how low they make her dmg output (it’s already really low, Ive NEVER gotten past bronze damage in a game) people will still be complaining due to the nature of combos.

Even if they nerfed her damage across the board, people would still be going ‘BRIG is OP, she can triple melee+shieldbash+flail to instakill squishies!’ or if they ultranerfed her, ppl would still go ‘BRIG is OP, she can three hit+shieldbash+melee+flail to instakill squishies’ in 5 seconds

Look at other shield heroes…Rein can kill a squishy in 0.1 sec if pinned and they can do nothing about it. Orisa can kill a squishy in 1 sec with about 30 headshots (guesstimating), genji can left click+swift strike to instakill squishies, mccree can flashbang+right click squishies to instakill them, it’s not a ‘new’ thing in this game, so why are you pretending like it is. Brig isn’t OP

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Her healing is lower than both Zen and Lucio though


There’s a different between changing your mind about whether a hero needs a buff/nerf or not a changing your mind about whether you want to change a specific aspect. They’ve been a lot more consistent about sticking with their guns about hero direction than they have about if they need any changes or not.

Take Ana for example. They said they don’t want to give her any mobility despite a lot of requests for that. I think keeping Brigitte’s shield strong is like that. They will be more open to nerfs in other aspects of her kit.

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We’re not grouping up; we’re trying to show you the other view and why. Mathematically the output is not there.

I wouldn’t compare ana’s mobility with brig’s shield. Peeps just want her to have to manage the darn thing.

The devs have kinda spoken about them in a similar way. They are both aspects of the hero that they don’t want to change. Part of their strengths and weaknesses.

There is very little chance the devs will touch her shield. They’ve given their answer on it. I really don’t think that it will change anytime soon.

Agreed, the shield health needs to be somewhere around 350.

I get it if she counters dive as a Healer/Tank hybrid, but having more effective health than roadhog draws the line.

Roadhog has 900 effective health (+ whatever he mitigates during his ‘E’)

Brigitte has 850 effective health

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This is like saying Reinhardt has 2500 health.


The person I was replying to said “effective” health, if we’re counting actual health Roadhog still has more

brigitte redefined the support category!

supports are no longer the “lemme get their healer ez kill lol”. they can put up a FIGHT


Please remove stun I don’t want to see brig’s stuns

Her stun is “fine”, I think now with 7s CD. It definitely gives some counterplay despite being the easiest CC to land.

The main problem I have with Brigitte now is that her shield never goes down.
The only time I see her shield down is when she blocks DVA ult.
Considering her shield regen (which I think is 100shield per s), it goes up too fast.

The only hero which can reliably take her down is Hanzo and Reaper(maybe)
None Junkrat or Phara or Soldier or Mccree are good counters for her.

  1. Junkrat: inconsistent, easy to dodge his attack, in close range brigitte can whip shot him easily to push him into an ineffective range.
  2. Phara: most of the time Brigitte can easily outheal/block her damage.
  3. Mccree: heavily relied on headshots. Even if he lands one shot on Brigitte, she can easily keep her shield up and fallback.
  4. Soldier: heavily countered by armour.
  5. Reaper: in a 1v1 he will win against Brigitte, but most of the maps don’t favour him.

A hero which counters 90% of the rooster, is countered by only one-two heros.

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She’s not just difficult to take down, it’s a fully fledged boss fight.
When she has rally she can contest the payload alone long enough for her team to get back. And when she’s pocketed by any healer you just might as well get out and wait for it to be over. Meanwhile, rein is dead in 3 seconds flat if his shield breaks.

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Why can’t people accept the fact that she was designed to counter dive heroes? She’s not even that good of a hero that’s just literally her niche.

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Tracer is the only hero brigitte can combo kill. Really. Plus that combo requires all of brigitte’s abilities. Df can 1hit any squishy with just one ability

The shield isn’t the problem.
The dps isn’t the problem.
Her self heal is the problem. Nerf the self heal she gets from Inspire to 10 per second but buff it to 20 per second for her allies. By doing that, she’d become more of a Support character and less of a Tank, therefore easier-if only slightly-to take down.

except… she is two stars, not one

nvm, she used to be two stars, they changed it to one for some reason

You know that this is a 6v6 game, and the chances of getting 50hp dmg help from teammates in that 1s stun period is nearly 100%.
Even 250hp heroes can be consitently killed with her combo, unless you are playing with 5 potatoes in team.