Nerf Brigitte shield already

Why it take so long to nerf the obvious cancer hero?
Lower her shield health.
Lower her shield regen rate.
At this point even with superdumb positioning, gamesense, you can climb high with her because she is super forgiving.


It’s already stated that they won’t nerf her shield health.


They stated why their not…


Instead of nerfing her defenses, she could use a nerf to her offense. She does quite a lot of damage in short time, which also heals her and her allies in the process.

  • Reduce her Rocket Flail damage
  • Reduce her Rocket Flail attack speed
  • Reduce the healing from her Inspire passive

That’s all I’m asking for Blizzard…


Devs also said that Lucio was fine and the meta was 100% responsible for his low win/pickrates. That was like 2 months before they buffed his ult by 50% and FINALLY extended his aura by 2 meters.

Her damage is low like mathematically it is not there. She cannot crit either to add to it. At low ranks it seems higher cuz everyone misses so many shots they reduce their damage efficiency and she doesn’t but that does not mean she has a high output.


Being able to insta-gib 200 hp heroes within ~1.5 second(s) is low output?


Give a series of plays where in 1.5 seconds she deletes 100% of a 200 HP hero.

She doesn’t have one. In that same time Reaper for example could have blasted the squishy’s head off or Tracer one-clipped em.


LMB–>Shield Bash–>Whip Shot–>LMB = ~1.5 seconds, 2s tops = Genji dies.

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Im suprised OP i a Genji Main who most play Genji and call Brigitte cancer

… nope im not suprised

Why Genji Mains cant accept to get countered ?


Yeah, thats kind of the point of having an easy 1-star hero.


You’re much closer to 4 seconds with that. Which would be 50 dps ie… not very high!

Edit: I just did the math and it doesn’t even kill according to the wiki as 35(x2)+70+50=190 not 200.


There once was a time when this big fat guy, can’t quite remember his name, but he could insta-gib 200 hp characters with ease. He was nerfed hard.

(and no, you cannot do it with ease now due to inconsistent pellet spread)

I don’t think the damage is that much of a problem, its the short cooldown. But then again, she needs that because its the only thing that goes beyond melee range to hit targets far away and the only way to start healing when enemies are beyond reach.

If you mean the cast time, I think that would be okay but nothing too major. I’d say possibly a 0.1 or 0.15 second increase

Its already the lowest in the game so I don’t think it should go any lower.


Okay I admit that I was wrong there.
I went to the Practice range (for the lols) and tested the combo on to the bots and it didn’t quite kill them.

But then I changed the combo into: LMB+LMB+Shield Bash+Whip Shot+LMB, which killed the bots and it took roughly 3 seconds.

no leave her alone, she is at perfect place right now

thats not what a combo means, a combo is something which you cannot escape from and hers does 155 damage tops.


That’s about 70 DPS a second with both of her cooldowns… wanna look up how fast Reaper can headshot, junkrat mine + grenade, hanzo headshot, roadhog hook comboc etc kill the enemy?

Also how are you killing the enemy with melee after pushing them away? Are you pushing them into a wall?


After getting whip shot, tracer can recall and genji can dash away.

I’d rather them nerf the cooldown it takes to start recharging after it’s broken, it currently takes 3 seconds and she’ll usually retreat to her back line if it does break, making it 5 seconds would actually punish her. As my most played support I feel like she’s still too forgiving even after the nerfs to shield bash and the 50 armor removed from rally.

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This doesn’t work. Whip shot boops your target out of range for the second lmb.