Nerf Bastion right now

Electro said something mean to me, so I think his fav hero should suffer :heart::heart:

Buff Genji, Omni is based.


As an avid Bastion hater since the beginning of Overwatch, I am genuinely disgusted and frankly appalled at how they managed to make this hero even more broken. I mean seriously he does like 999999999 damage in a second how am I supposed to peek as Sojourn and kill him with my super balanced disruptor shot? I think all bastion players should be banned.

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Hard agree.

How dare they kill Sojourn?? If fact they need to buff sojourn. Getting insane damage, and a slow in one ability isnt enough. Her kit totally isnt overstuffed at all.

Bastion needs to stand zero chances against her.

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I think Bastion should be a PvE only hero tbh. Boring to play against and far too op.

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Letting bastion get to play pve is incredibly cruel to the enemy ai. How dare you think of putting them through that