Need help with resurrect

so in my mercy 2.0 code i have 2 issues listed here

  • able to rez someone even on a 30 second cooldown
  • when two people next to eachother died they both get resurrected even after it’s been used on one soul

if anyone could help that would be great :heart: code is 3HSC2

Is Using Ability 2(Players On Hero(Hero(Mercy), Team Of(Event Player))) == True;
Is Dead(Event Player) == True;
Is Alive(Players On Hero(Hero(Mercy), Team Of(Event Player))) == True;
Distance Between(Event Player, Players On Hero(Hero(Mercy), Team Of(Event Player))) < Global.B;

You’re checking from the player to be resurrected, if there’s any mercy nearby using resurrect and within distance.
This allows multiple people at the same to trigger the snippet.

rule("Rule 18")
		Ongoing - Each Player;

		Is Using Ability 2(Event Player) == True;

		Event Player.I = Filtered Array(Player Closest To Reticle(Event Player, Team Of(Event Player)), Is Dead(Current Array Element));

And then resurrecting / inflicting the status effects with Player Variable I and for Mercy with Event Player.

Only way I see this able to be a possibility is triggering “valk rez cd” and Valk running out of time.

And the “valk rez cd reset” triggering again for the seconds Valk cast to extend the duration.


thank you! also is the “rule 18” thing a new rule or did you remake it from an old rule?

i’m guessing the

wont work unless specific conditions/actions have to have the I variable?

Yes; it would replace rez cast time and resurrected player status's in that case.

rule("Rule 18")
		Ongoing - Each Player;

		Is Using Ability 2(Event Player) == True;

		Event Player.I = Filtered Array(Player Closest To Reticle(Event Player, Team Of(Event Player)), Is Dead(Current Array Element));
		Wait(0.032, Ignore Condition);
		Loop If(!Event Player.I);
		Stop Holding Button(Event Player, Button(Ability 2));
		Play Effect(All Players(Team Of(Event Player)), Good Pickup Effect, Color(Red), Event Player, 1);
		Play Effect(All Players(Team Of(Event Player)), Bad Pickup Effect, Color(Yellow), Event Player, 1);
		Resurrect(Event Player.I);
		Wait(0, Ignore Condition);
		Kill(Event Player.I, Event Player);
		Resurrect(Event Player.I);
		Set Status(Event Player.I, Null, Invincible, 2.250);
		Set Status(Event Player.I, Null, Burning, 2.250);
		Set Status(Event Player.I, Null, Rooted, 2.250);
		Set Status(Event Player.I, Null, Phased Out, 2.250);
		Disallow Button(Event Player, Button(Ability 2));
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thank you so much! this works perfectly and exactly how i wanted. you are the best teawy :heart::heart:

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