Need help with bad lag freezing and stuttering on laptop

I was able to play overwatch 1 with minimal problems but now that it is updated to overwatch2- laptop gets extremely hot after 20 minutes, which at the same time i experience freezing and makes it hard to play the game. I have turned graphics settings all the way down, messed with my resolution and framerate cap, i have read a bunch of articles for advice and i close out some tasks in task manager, set priority to high for overwatch, i downloaded latest nvidia driver, changed nvidia graphics settings, im not sure what else to do.

Processor Intel(R) Core™ i5-8300H CPU @ 2.30GHz 2.30 GHz
Installed RAM 8.00 GB (7.88 GB usable)
Device ID A6E3C3F7-C9F2-40DC-87BE-D3E20113DADA
Product ID 00325-96361-01723-AAOEM
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display

thats the system information.
i appreciate any help

Hi Honeygirl,

Did you check out this blue post? It got posted in a topic full of problems similar like yours. There are some suggestions (some not supported by Blizzard) that are worth a try.

I am not sure if they could fix your problem, but you mentioning the overheating, lag/freeze and such, made me want to link it.

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In addition, there is a post in that thread with something you can try:

im confused what im supposed to paste into the additional arguemnts. just —tank_WorkerThreadCount 2 ?, or what 2 lines no space is he talking about. thanks btw.


Yes try to follow the steps and copy/paste this:

--tank_WorkerThreadCount 2 

If that brings no luck, try:

--tank_WorkerThreadCount 2 -d3d11 -threads 2
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