Need help getting out of Gold

I have been stuck in gold for 2 years now and I literally cant consistently get out. I tried on a different account and I got Diamond and I stayed there. However, I do not want to grind out that account because I have already spent so much time on my main account. Can someone who has climbed out of Gold themself help me out. (DPS MAIN)

Playing Reaper and Torb worked for me with little or no aim required.

You need to post replay code and say something aboitut you, play time, heroes you play… Anything usefull. Nobody will tell you how to climb without knowing what you do wrong.


How many hours you have played in diamond or is this ” after placements i get plat and won 5 game and now im diamond, match maker rigged yy ”

e: Just asking bcoz getting Plat with new acc is not anything new, after that you get ~150 Sr / win so if you are lucky you get heavy carried to Diamond even you are not doing anything. But as said above post replay codes and buying boost is pointless.


but the darkside is already the pathway to many abilities some considered unnatural you will get out of gold with that

If you’re actually a Diamond level player climbing out of gold is easy. Climbing out of plat is not easy. I have a hard time believing you’re solidly a Diamond player if you’re legitimately coming to the forums and asking someone to carry your account out… :face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Very suspicious…


I was playing in diamond for about 6 hours

I like how he asks for help and all the usual suspects are like “hurr ur not really diamond, just climb bro”. Legitimately pathetic

And you likely dropped a decent amount during the 6 hours? Even if you didn’t come back after 100 games at least and see where you are.

The game is really generous with initial placements so long as you don’t hard throw as it gives new accounts the benefit of the doubt to push them up, especially if you win or group with higher ranked players. That being said after a significant amount of games you’ll end up closer where you belong after likely not being able to hold up to the diamond players. If you are? Then you’ll stay there after that and shouldn’t have an issue getting out of gold at all, group or solo.

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Find a coach. Lots of free ones here in the forums. Friend them and let them spectate in matches while on comms. Replays are ok, but everything seems easier in retrospect. Also it can be difficult knowing when to switch and to what. Replays won’t help much with that, imo.

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I definitely think live coaching is leagues more useful than vod reviews. A lot better to get feedback to adjust mid game in terms of play style, aggressiveness and priorities than to get a timestamp postgame of “wasted nade here”. Yeah it helps to know mistakes when you make them but hindsight doesn’t really make you much better in terms of one off events.

Coaching is best for mentality and habit adjustments, not “oops I made a mistake here.”

If you are looking for people to stack with you should add your server and platform to the first post.