Need help/advise

So, this account is a 3.8k-4k

My main however has the problem of being stuck low diamond. I personally am good with support and I try so hard. But the issue is diamond is absolutely full of smurfs, and for some reason they always seem to be on the enemy team, and they absolutely dominate my team and there is nothing I can do about it.

I don’t know what to do, I want to get to the same rank as this account but with my main and it’s just proving to be so difficult, people are struggling at 3.1k to deal with the constant smurfs. I’m trying my hardest, doing anything I possibly can.

On top of that I constantly get tanks who prior to 2-2-2 were in silver/gold and have the game sense of a goldfish, tanks who usually main DPS and have no idea what they are doing etc etc. Picking Wrecking ball into Mei and Reaper, etc etc.

I’m at the point where I’m considering giving up and just making this account my main.

Please someone advise me on how to deal with it because I am just so stressed and depressed about it. I just had the same smurf stack on the enemy team multiple times and my team were so upset about it and it really depressed me listening to how miserable they were and me being unable to do something about it and make them happy lowered my mood. :sob:

You just have to git gud. lol

If you focus on yourself, you’ll climb. Remember, you have smurfs on your team, too. In the end it all balances out. You are the only constant in all of your matches.

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you play moira, just exist

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You have to play a lot of games (about 150) to overcome random factors like you describe.

Actually tell that to the 4 times in a row where I am against the same smurf stack literally the past hour. :wink:

Also I mentioned it was my team that are struggling.

They are the same rank as you, if your team is struggling, than so is the enemy team. You need to git gud.

they are not though, as I said in the top post I am 3.8k-4.1k on this acct, but my main is low diamond. Have you ever played support with people much lower SR than you and expecting the same from them as you do in your much higher games? I am very unlucky on my main.

I’m asking for advice, not for your rude comments, thank you.

Also playing moira for them is a disaster, they never push with my ult half the time and i feel like I’m just babysitting never press W orisas all the time which gets boring.

Then when I’m playing Mercy I feel like I’m absolutely useless, Ana you might as well not ever play and nobody is gonna protect you from doomfist, so no to that. lmao.

If you are actually 3.8-4k playing down in 3k YOU are also a smurf. It doesnt make sense that if you actually play the game at 4k that you would be held down by players of your own rank. If you are unable to rank up a 3k account you are not actually 4k rank.


Oh my god what is with everyone and these claims, I am asking for advice. I haven’t played my main in a VERY long time so it’s been like a year since I’ve played so low down and I’m not used to it.

Keep judging though.

Like it’s honestly none of your business your opinion on my experience either, I’m having very unlucky games.

It’s why I made to this account in the first place!!! FYI. And I’ve had NO ISSUES maintaining my rank on here, so keep your lies to yourself.

And how is my MAIN account a smurf? LOL, so because I made an ALT and got much higher than my main with it, that means I’m now a smurf? what?

when someone asks for advice and instead gets bullied, jeez this community is great.

You sure seem to know an awful lot about a matchmaker none of us (including you) have ever been privy to. Where do you obtain all of this information from?

Dude I’m jfa. lmao

I’m literally parroting all the useless bs that’s regurgitated here on the forums.

But, perhaps you can now feel what it’s like for us lower elo players when we complain of diamond/master smurfs in our bronze games.

My advice to you is find yourself a tank player who isn’t afraid to press ‘W’ and queue with them, if support is your thing.

See How Competitive Matchmaking and Rating Works (Season 19), especially the references.

Call me on Discord. You can be my lawyer


  • outdated ms-trueskill/elo derivative
  • be the individual who wins games in a team game
  • sr reflects ability to win not raw talent/skill
  • pbsr based on derpy paddable stats like damage done or blocked
  • matches are made by mmr and can take place at totally different sr (3100 mmr match at 700sr).
  • tau is very sensitive to noise/corruption
  • ladder reset would disrupt too many games

As if smurfing/throwing/lootbox gameplay doesnt exist.

NGL, my main account was put in multiple Masters games when doing the placements and I won every single one, made a bunch of sick plays etc, felt like I was part of the team cause it’s what I’m used to… at the 3.1k rank it’s LITERALLY rolling the dice on whether you get people who were silver/gold players prior to role queue lol their gamesense is AWFUL.

Yesterday I got a tank on my team who was apparently 2.8k but his other roles were (DPS 700 bronze and healer 1.1k bronze) like if he can barely play DPS idk how the hell he’s able to play tanks like Roadhog and Wrecking ball… and this is not the only time I’ve seen it, like I had a Sigma who somehow is 1.7k playing Zarya, Rein, Orisa etc the previous season but now he’s 1 tricking Sigma and he got boosted by the meta. proof btw