Need a surrender button!

You act like quitting in unwinnable circumstances is horrible. There’s a line between courage? If you wanna call it that, and stupidity. 3v6 is bordering stupid and pointless. There’s nothing wrong with quitting in those conditions.

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Why surrender when there’s always someone in need of the Lucio achievement?
And it usually takes more than one try to get it right, so surrendering wouldn’t give both teams the time to coordinate.

So, um, no.

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You must have never played League of Legends, 20m in and you can type in: /FF and you’ll get a vote option to surrender. Being that’s someone that seems to intentionally feeding or just playing so badly you can’t tell if they’re feeding or bad.

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A built-in forfeit feature has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not you have a competitive mindset. Also, my statement that “If you’re ready to surrender you don’t have a competitive mindset and shouldn’t queue for competitive.” has nothing at all to do with LoL (which I actually have played.)

To put it another way, just because it’s an option doesn’t mean it’s a good option, and it’s definitely not an option that people with competitive mindsets would consider a requirement for competitive mode.

Besides, quitters already have multiple ways to quit. Use them if you’re going to.


But… If your team has leavers, dont you have a minute or so before you can leave without being penalized?

no, you’ll still lose SR if you lose, but i don’t think as much SR as if you lost without a leaver

Your being outrageous what is “competitive” about getting skunked (which happens) and then half your team leaving, sometimes I want to get in a game I have a chance at winning which is much more “competitive” than me and one other dude trying to take on an entire team of 6. I’m not saying that a surrender button is nescassary, I’m just saying that you going “you must not be throwing if you even think for one second your losing the game” is STUPID

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… and precisely what did you bring to those ‘bad games’? Who’s fault was it that it was a ‘bad game’? Was it bad because you had a leaver? Somebody throw?

Or - do you think you have so many bad team mates that you should just be granted a ‘FU’ button instead of actually trying to work with your team to get everybody on the same page?


Can you surrender in ranked DOTA or LoL matches? I know you can in their normal un ranked matches.

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NO that’s not a quitter’s mindset from a TEAM standpoint. If half your team is GONE, it’s a competitive mindset to reset to the next game with a full team.

Not sure how this does not makes sense smh

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The game still has a bug that even if you leave after the timer, the next game you win may only give you 5sr. It’s been an acknowledged bug for like ever and has not been fixed.

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WHAT! How is that a bug they have not fixed yet?

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calm down…

That button already exists…sort of. When the timer runs down and you can leave without a leaver penalty you can just leave and it’s the same as you surrendering.


You do know you can seriously injure yourself in sport right? So there is reason for that. There is no reason for that in game.


Define uwinnable. In theory you can win every single game. On top of that you can lose less than 25 if you stay in 1v6 scenario so leaving/surrender is just dumb strategy.

Few weeks ago, enemy team was mad because i didnt leave as rest of my team. I continued to farm them as i could with Widow and at the end i lost only 17 sr. Thats competitive mindset. Leaving games or surrending in comp is quitter mindset and anyone who would want this is just not taking comp seriously enough.

Actully in my experience i saw many games lost just because of quitter mindset people. And giving official tool to these people would bring only more frustration to the game for people who actualy want to compete.


I can tell a lot of you autist haven’t played Rainbow Six Siege.

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Why should we care about rainbow six? We are playing ow. :smile:

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Sounds good in theory but something like that would need the whole team to agree to it and when you have throwers/griefers on your team they’re not likely to agree to surrender.

Still, it’s something that I’d like to see in comp to at least have that option there.


When half your team is throwing/griefing and no one is in team chat, there’s absolutely no point playing that match out to completion. Just throw in the towel and move on to the next match and hope you get better teammates!

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I’m a very competitive person and I can see the benefits of having a surrender option in comp.

How about you just speak for yourself and not presume to speak for others?

As I mentioned above, when you have half your team throwing/griefing and no one in team chat coordinating/strategising then it would be beneficial to have a way to pull the plug on that match and move on to the next one in the hope of getting better teammates.

Surrendering and quitting are two very different things.

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