Need a partner / small squad for comp or just vibin

I’m a high plat/low diamond player who has like 1 friend who plays this game. Lookin for some skilled but chill gamers who are down to group up relatively frequently. I main off-tank (Great Zarya, p good hog) but I’m also a high plat DPS. I can flex any role but I prefer not to play support.

TLDR: Chill gamers in diamond hml
TAG: Fėcal#1815

ive been looking for somone to duo comp with. im like mid plat and main lucio - ana. i dnt use mic much but ye ill add and lets q sometime.

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I’m good and looking for a partner/team to play with. Was 3200 peak on console, grinding my way back on PC

Nice bro, I peaked at 3995 console but never hit gm :confused: Grinding my way through diamond on pc rn though