Need 3 heroes to main, need help

I’m no one trick pony, at least not in this game but there’s one thing I know and that is that proficiency is king. I can flex but I’m looking for 3 heroes to become pretty proficient in. A tank, dps and support. I’m bronze, I know I’m bad so I’m looking for solutions. I was maining doomfist but with my limited mechanics I knew it wasn’t working well and even less now after nerfs. So I actually want to take some steps to climbing in the game. Any suggestions? Looking to mainly dps and off tank but I’ll do what I have to do.

Recently I’ve played tracer a hero I used to dislike, she’s fun and I have a feeling she can solo carry.

Also would like to note I am duo q with my wife who is a support main, mainly playing moira.


First, wanna say that it’s awesome you play with your wife! I duo queue occasionally with my husband from time to time.

As for suggestions, may I give a bit of the contrary. No need to take it!

Whatever you want to play at the higher level, start playing now. The sooner the better. Even if it’s three dps. You should always put your happiness first and foremost. The sad reality I see from many people that they settle on playing heroes that are “meta” or find themselves stuck on a role just so they can climb. Ultimately that means when they finally get the chance to play the hero they love they are utter trash at it since they instead have like 500 hours on Mercy.

Also, when I started playing I did a lot of experimenting and try many heroes. I didn’t worry about climbing. I use to play more dps, but I found out I love main tanks more.

In my opinion, that would be a better option, so you will be happy and have fun. Versus playing a hero you don’t like just for the sake of trying to climb.

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At your ELO, I would pick these 3:

DVa as she probably provides the best get in, and get out, with team saving abilities. You can protect your backline from damage, or dive an enemy in the back. She also can eat ults which will help you learn keeping track of them. I played a lot of flexing and was pretty stuck in gold. She was the first hero that allowed me to carry myself out and have enough of a team effect to hit diamond.

Brig for support. It’s all about positioning and sticking with your team. She now outputs a TON of heals, and helps you stay situationally aware. Lower learning curve so much easier to grasp, but her positioning will help you with Rein later when you choose to learn him.

For DPS, it’s honestly a mix bag. I would pick one that mixes being able to survive, with being effective. I would guess heals sucks at your ELO so you will need to recover on your own and escape. Honeslty soldier 76 might not be a bad pick but DPS really depends on your ability to aim and on how much space your team is giving you.

But what I really recommend is getting good enough with one character, that you are able to get into gold with. Watch people stream that hero. See who they attack first. Watch when they leave. Listen to their coms and try to understand what they are doing. Spend sometime watching videos, and look for coaching vids or players at your level.

Hello mustang,

Glad to be able to help in whatever way possible.

My advise, if ur going to be similar with the one our friend Jasper gave. Play a little, and see which heroes fit u better before u really decide which ones to main.

Also, work on game sense - ult economy/management, positioning and coordination.

Which ever hero u pick, post the videos here and people can give u constructive feedback on what ur doing well and what u can improve.

Im a tank main and flexes to a few supports, so I’ll be alittle more helpful than in that regard if u pick those heroes

Good luck!

Given that you say you have limited mechanics (normal for bronze players), I would recommend the following heroes.

Tank: Rein. No mechanics needed. But basically a must pick all the way up to GM. Nobody is going to complain about having a Rein on their team.

Support: Moira. You can play her as main or off healer. She can even solo heal. Super versatile. Limited mechanics needed (very forgiving hitbox). While Ana is technically better because she offers utility, she’s also several orders harder to play to get the same value.

DPS: Brigitte. While technically a support, she’s best when played in the DPS slot with triple support. She doesn’t require much mechanically and she’s good all the way up to GM. Most actual DPS heroes require a fair bit of mechanics.

Since you play with your wife and Moira is supposed to fill a primary healer spot, you should play a secondary healer. Brigitte and Lucio are both mechanically simpler than Zenyatta. It just depends on if you prioritize protection or mobility, respectively. I would reccomend Brig because her and Moira have good synergy.However, Moira can also be used secondarily because of her damage potential, so if that’s the route your wife takes, Ana is better if you have good aim and want to stay away from the fight and Mercy is better if your aim isn’t too good and you want to be more engaged in the fight.
For tank, Reinhardt would work well. Moira’s heavy close-up healing will definitely work wonders with Rein by her side. Their ultimates paired to together can be devastating in a small choke. Reinhardt isn’t too hard mechanically either.
For damage, I’m not too sure.

i would suggest bastion, mcree, and zarya. You’ll learn accuracy, positioning, awareness, and prediction…especially on bastion.

This is a game. So the key is to have fun. If you are having fun, you’ll perform better and win/climb.

The best advice that I heard when I started was to force yourself to play 2hrs on every single hero before going into comp.

I don’t have very strong mechanics either. I’m actually surprised you jumped from doomfist to tracer… as they along with genji all need a very quick response time. but I digress.

I first started playing Torb, diva, and mercy… because they were “good”. I started comp and placed silver… but I hadn’t quite gotten all my 2hr playtimes in because I was impatient.

The drag was long… especially as I tried heroes like genji and widowmaker that I was just awful on and couldn’t grasp them to save my life.

Then I got near the bottom of the hero list based on what was “good” and started playing Symm for my 2hrs. And she really clicked with me. I had so much fun playing her. When I felt like I got her mechanics down… I brought her into comp and shot up to plat within that same season. I even created a one trick Symm account that hit 3400. Never left plat on this account until the Symm changes were announced and I gave up on comp as a serious endeavor.

I still play symm… but I don’t enjoy the game as much… and as such, my rank has suffered because of it. There is no longer any hero that really fills that sweet spot.

So, I just decided to play mystery heroes. There I did well, because I already had like 2hrs on every hero which made me far better than the avg person in mystery heroes.

When my friend coaxed me back into comp, I busted out lucio one time because I was locked in as a support in LFG and found I did amazingly well on him. I had never really thought I was that good of a lucio, even if I had a good win rate in mystery with him. My friend even made a comment asking me when I learned how to play lucio (since I had never used him in comp) But I had also adjusted my controls away from the default since I had played him in my 2hr run through originally.

It just goes to show that you have to really put effort into trying the heroes to find what works for you. Grinding 2hrs isn’t any good if you don’t adjust your settings and try to adapt and try to make the hero work. It has to be a solid and productive 2hrs… or maybe even more. I think I have at least 4-5hrs on every hero (qp + mystery). If its not productive, then you won’t find your calling.

So, I would suggest to really force yourself to try ALL the heroes… even the bad ones and you might just find something you love to play. You will only get good through practice… and you’ll only want to practice and play if you are having fun doing it. That is why I went to mystery heroes, to practice while having fun.

I wouldn’t suggest going into Mystery right away. It is too overwelming and you don’t really get to learn how each hero plays when starting out. It is probably why so many people dislike the mode. But Mystery is good for refining after you get the basics down so you’ll be working on mechanics without fighting with adjusting the controls.

None of us on the forums will be able to tell you what works for you. Don’t chase the meta, because the meta will change by the time you get good enough for the meta to matter.

Have fun and enjoy the time with your wife.

You’ll get a lot of differing opinions based off of how people play. I could tell you something like Orisa, Symm and Torb are great heroes to learn and carry with but if you’re more aggressive than defensive/passive this is terrible advice because your playstyles would clash so badly.

Seeing as how so many heroes are fairly different due to abilities that they have even if the base concept of the hero is the same, what you should do is find out what is your playstyle first. The main problem in almost every game in the ladder is that there’s usually one person that’s completely off track of everyone else that they are often perceived as throwing even though they could be doing exactly the right thing in a different team (super aggressive in a team that’s slowly pushing through choke vs a team that speeds right in and starts brawling at point).

Once that is established and you understand what your strength is vs your weakness, then you should look be seeking advice from others on how you can change up your gameplay style to accommodate for your team’s style.

Almost every hero can be played offensively and defensively, what you should be looking for is figuring out what “your heroes” are and then branch out from there if your heroes are more niche picks. I could tell you Rein is a must pick but if you hold up your shield while the rest of your team is fighting or you swing so much that you never block anti’s then I’ve essentially given you a terrible hero pick for both you and your team.

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