Necro and reposting guidelines? Where tho?

I can’t seem to locate them

Is it acceptable to necro a 4 day post?
A 20 day post?

After a month, can I repost the exact thread if I feel it will benefit the community?

Should I necro it?
Is all of this entirely forbidden?

You didn’t look very hard. Kinda in the whole pinned topic that says PLEASE READ

Don’t “bump” posts.

The act of posting simply to bump a thread is considered spamming. This also includes bumping very old threads for no reason (called “necro bumping” or “necroing”). Users who are found to be bumping posts will be subject to forum account suspension and post removal.

What about thread duplication?

Duping threads is classified as Spamming, which is against CoC

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Thank you! You’re a polite man.

The no bumping rule takes care of murdering new threads if they were posted in high traffic so I would understand a dupe later on when it’s slower. I actually have a thread about allowing like, one bump, just to prevent a dupe right after high traffic.

But with the way the new forums work…how old is “very old”? A day? Three days? A week? A month?

Im not being flip- I honestly don’t know.

Here is a link to the full Blizzard forum Code of Conduct.

And here is a link to Community Manager’s Josh Engen’s post about appropriate conduct on the Overwatch forums.