Name the dumbest balance change you can think of

Junkrat can scope and get hitscan grenades with a 2.5× hs multiplier

So literally Widow but explosive shots

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Fan the hammer leaves the last bullet in the chamber so you can stop spray and pray and practice that aim thats so important on 100% of the heroes these days.

Remember when hanzo had a scatter arrow and reaper ate souls cause he was a bit of a gangster… good times.

The effects of Lucio’s auras are now entirely dependent on how loud you can shout compliments at your teammates.


Mercy can now GA to enemies.


widows beware :wink:

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echo can now turn into torb turret, orisa super charger, immortality field, etc.

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mei has friendly fire, yes that also includes freeze.

Genji can deflect Sound barrier, self destruct and BOB and have them work for him.

Echo can’t die while duplicated.

Zenyatta can deal damage while in Transcendence.

Sombra’s hack and EMP disables the afflicted players hud.

Sound barrier mutes audio for the enemy team.

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Mercy now dual wields her staff in one hand, and pistol in the other and can use both at the same time.

Deflect can now redirect charging heroes into hitting their teammate.

And this is the result -

Spongebob Explosion - YouTube

Ana says her “Everyone dies.” voice line when nanoing the tire.

And in even more disturbing news, Junkrat would walk away from this completely unscathed considering he can’t take damage from his own explosions.

Junkrat walks towards the sunset while yelling “Dipstick!”

All the Brig balance changes past RQ.

McCree fire rate increase

Brigitte 200 HP with that hitbox and her weapon. It is literally unfair

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BOB now spawns on top of Ashe directly.

Shadow Step can now target death boundaries such as pits and water.

honestly, I wouldnt be opposed to them making a mini-game or an arcade mode like this LOL

Imagine if they made ‘funny experimental cards’ for the Anniversary event where they added changes like this? It would be so wacky and fun

Symm gets her fun noodle back

Doomfist can Rocket Punch at any direction

Mccree can now flashbang himself if he is in the effected area