Name not showing on Top 500 leaderboard

The minimum for top 500, as of writing this post, is 4097. My SR is 4124, but my name is not on the leaderboard. Is see 3 other players with the same SR as me.
I have played over 79 games this season so far.
Anyone have a solution?

im not really sure how it works but aren’t you supposed to receive a message and then play 50 comp games before being eligible?

I have already played over 79 games.

ok then idk

Have you enabled SMS Protect? This is required to qualify for Top 500 rewards. If you do have to enable it, you must play another 50 games.

I did enable an authenticator, and the step with entering a phone number, shortly after i made the post.
So what you’re telling me is that i have to complete an additional 50 games?

Yes. 20 characters…