[NA] [PC] WILD gaming discord group

WILD is a gaming group based on Discord. We all play a variety of games, but are primarily Overwatch and GW2. Most of us are in the EST and CST time zones across NA. All 18+ are welcome to join us, but we generally play quickplay and competitive in the low gold to high platinum SR range and we do run occasional in-house scrims for fun.

We are looking for more members who match our style: Having fun, playing as a team, learning to synergize with teammates, and most importantly of all, keeping a positive attitude.

For quickplay and arcade, we want members who are flexible, and are willing to give everyone a shot at playing DPS (if they want), while still trying to win most matches. For competitive, we slot members into roles based on what we think will work out best and try our best to stay communicative and positive in a match.

We are most interested in recruiting people who have wide hero pools and are willing to flex, those who will check their ego at the door, and those who will always look inwards first after a bad loss and keep their criticism constructive.

We are also greatly concerned with keeping our group an open and fun environment for ALL players. We do not tolerate any form of bigotry or harassment and are far more likely to side with offended parties in a conflict.

We have no skill or playtime requirements, but all members must be socially active in some fashion, even if it’s just saying hello in the lounge occasionally.

Our only rules are:

Respect each other. Respect WILD. Respect our discord.

If you’re interested, join our discord: discord.gg/VhXFDVj

Or pm me on discord Underducky#4384. Hope to see ya around!


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Hi Underducky! Qwack Qwack!