=w=)/ (=w= ) / dsfsdfdsfs

=w= ksdjfkjsdfkljdsfkjdskjfskjfsljdkjslkfjsksfjksj

sounds cool, here’s my discord. wes#1882

혹시 한국분들 중에 소소하게 게임하고 싶으신 분 계시면 디스코드나 배틀태그 남겨 주세요!

BestPapa#2495 - OW
BestPapa#8938 - Discord

I like fun.

I’m into it, here’s my discord: MeatMarinade#3796

Here is mine.


same same, Kitcat#7906

Hey hey!

Ov : Grump_Wizard#11365

Discord: Grumpy_Wizard#5109

Sounds good! Discord vegapunk#4821

Sounds like a great group! Discord Coffee ღ#4347

sounds like a good thing to be part of :smiley:
Discord is Shatter#0161
btag is Shatterglass#11881

I’m learning korean and currently looking for people to play with on OW, so this seems great~~
Discord - Nova#8257
OW - LoliNova#1812

Korean player here. You can add me Hotacos#3454

Discord: Genetic_Jades#6335
OW: GeneticJades#1419

OW: Loi#12111

Heya! NA support main in need of some actually good comp teams! I’m mid-plat and can’t seem to get out due to the lack of main tank players, or semi-bad DPS mains lol…
I play everyday except the weekends from around 9 AM to 6:15 PM PT!!!

Discord: 𝐉𝐞𝐰𝐉𝐞𝐰#2105
Battle Tag: Knivsǃ#1837 - I used a controverisal ! so it might not come up.

discord Moeofthedead 5084

YoRHa#9245 Discord
YoRHa#2712 ID Blizzard
Age : 27
Mmr: 3500+

Am trying to find good people to play on quickplay, but i have some difficult to speak in english, i hope i can still play with you guys ^^



it will be awesome if you add me i have another friend