Mythic Weapons SUCK

The entire reason I play Ana, is because I picked up her Mythic weapon. I looooove that thing. That sword fall sound is so completely satisfying when you get elims…crrrrrrack! And the other little effects are nice too.

IMHO, I generally like it better than (most) skins…just because it changes the experience in the game. Personally, I wish they would add weapon skins to the BP, and just pepper a couple throughout each season.

I dig any change they throw in the game to weapon sounds (mythic or otherwise). Lego Bastion’s plastic pea shooter sound cracks me up even when he’s melting me in my death replay. Mercy’s hard light staff, sounds better than her stock staff too…IMHO.

Give me more of that I say.

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Most of the time my Ana mythic rifle glows a dark blue, meaning I’m DPS’ing more than I should lol. However, nothing is more satisfying than beating Reaper in 1-1’s when he tries to shoot you in the back or meeting his death blossom with a sleep dart.

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How is this lower effort LOL its a concious choice to not clutter the game for everyone else

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remember when they started to sell normal weapon skins, hard light, los muertos, more than one skin per season, 4 hard lights, 2 los muertos, and then nothing, only one per season, but developers arent lazy, the mythic value is worth nothing, they are not even that complicated or full of details, just compare the mythic weapons in call of duty mobile, thats actually effort, not even weapon inspect, jesus christ

even with 5vs5 ow 2 is a visual cluster and the new super engine designed only for ow2 cant handle it?

According to this logic, they can also deliberately not add VFX to the person who owns the mythic, under the pretext of keeping the game clean.

Still a “concious” choice in this case, but the result is less work to do.

Less work = lower effort.

honestly they just need to sell out to asian Studios. Atleast the skin Departement, once asian gatcha makers make skins we won’t be able to hold back our money.

Skins in general in OW2 bother me. Everything looks like a plastic toy.

OW2, to me, looks like a game that was released in a reality where Overwatch 1 was real life and OW2 was the game released in that world based on the real-life Overwatch 1 heroes. Does that make sense? Or like the OW2 characters are toy versions of their OW1 versions.

And I don’t want to be the constantly-hyping-MR guy, but after getting used to the skins there, OW2 skins look even more basic and scaled down now.

I kinda agree with you. Why do they release them so far away from their Mythic skin release? Makes no sense…

Yeah they already did it’s an option every hero has in their hero settings xx

Yes but they added the effects and made them optional. That’s different to not adding any effects in the first place.

I have 0 issues with “visual clutter” of mythic effects but that’s because if it’s someone else, I pay attention to the kill feed when a death occurs so I know who died. With regards from my end, I don’t see my kill effects a lot of the time because the second I kill someone my attention diverts to somewhere else more important…

I personally don’t think this game has an issue with visual clutter, except in those intense few moments but that’s normal in any game like this and at that point whether you have a kill effect or not, it really doesn’t matter since there’s already too much lol.

I do think it is a missed marketing opportunity for Blizzard to not allow it.

A good solution is to allow players a toggle to choose whether they wish to see other players’ mythic effects. Would make everyone happy. But I don’t know from a technical perspective whether it is simple to do or not.

Im not justifying their horrible price but…
At least I can see them compared to the mythic skins themselves

id like to use the ana gun spin emote on the default skin, i hate the sounds the mythic makes

Does Echo duplicate also take the Mythic weapon skin?
If so we could see multiple Reinhardt Mythic kill animations at the same time.

I was actually gonna make a post about how the weapon skins seem to have been abandoned (you know, those hardlight and los muertos that showed up once in the shop). It certainly feels like they’ve dropped that concept in favor of another thing they could charge more for. I don’t much care for enemies seeing the effects or customizing the weapon, though.

This whole idea of 80 prisms is crazy on its own. You could’ve gotten like 3-4 copies of OW1 for that. I honestly don’t know who (other than streamers, maybe) would be getting those outside of battle pass.

I don’t think they meant overwhelming in a sense that a player’s console or PC couldn’t handle the rendering load but more than likely that it’s explosion and animation overload when there’s already a good bit of that that happens with multiple ults happening at the same time.

Multiple ults, multiple elims by mythic weap bearers with elim animations, it’s a lot going on and I guess that’s where they were at with it. Personally? I don’t know if i’d be overwhelmed, I probably wouldn’t care.

Someone said there’s a toggle to turn these on and off but I don’t know if that means if turned on i’d see everyone’s or just mine. I’d have to try it sometime.

They are ugly af. LOL

And on top of that, if you don’t like them then just don’t get them and don’t worry about it. You don’t need to love every single skin they put out

Not all of them. Ashe and Ana both received good looking Mythic Weapons. Their effects are awesome.