Mythic Skin Leak + Video Footage

I swear to god I saw Pharah’s halloween skin there

BTW: Season 9 leaks are real because this Moira has 250 HP.

if it means i start seeing more moira’s in my ranked games im going to lose it


I am going to pick up Moira and play her all the time. I am just mad that it will take me about a month to unlock this mythic. I want to start my aimless journey right at the start of the season because I cannot wait to finally express myself as an abyss wraith.

Imagine when Sombra gets her mythical skin… it will be horrible to play.

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That would be TRUE existential horror.

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Orisa and then Moira. They’re definitely catering to the braindead portion of their playerbase.

The leaker just posted suggesting there are two mythics this season???

h ttps://

I wonder what that could possibly mean. I’m assuming it’s just him adding a bit of trollage on top of the real leak
The only thing I can think of is maybe if they’re adding the system where you can pick a mythic they made 2 mythics for one season so that way you’d still have a choice in mythics in this and future seasons even if you got all the ones so far

It could be actually 2 skins considering Blizzard started to realize there are no future to this game and they must leech money from people asap

cap no cap

I’ve seen a lot of Lillith Moiras running around so I guess so.

It makes a certain amount of sense, too. Run around in QP for a bit and watch what happens to Mercys on the losing team. There’s a chance that they’ll bitterly stick with Mercy to the very end, but there’s also a good chance that they’ll morph into Moiras. Honestly, a lot of the time, it makes sense to trade in the blue beam for a purple one. Most of us don’t play with Sojourns or Soldiers that can hit anything.

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Is it supposed to be some Diablo IV thing or Warcraft Old Gods, or am I just giving them too much credit?

I’m not going to spend my money on cosmetics anymore. The only thing I plan to support them for is the PVE since they already showed me in season 6 that all the money I had spent with the intention of supporting the game had not been used for what they had promised.

Cosmetics are their priority now that is why I stopped supporting them.

I sure hope so…

Right, right…“Leaked content”, sure…

Pink Kiriko dude.
Blizzard gotta leech every single penny.

Welp, dead on arrival patch.

Um… It’s supposed to be Lovecraftian? That WoW thing sounds like it was also Lovecraftian, so probably that.

looks like 2 rows of customization again, color and mask (because moira has no “weapon” model to change)

my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

It technically has a second weapon choice. I am not sure what that entails because you can barely see Moira’s weapon to begin with.

Kinda sad I actually splurged on wicked with this beautiful skin coming up

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