Mystery Heroes veto!

Why do you even play that mode if you don’t want to be playing other heroes? It can get annoying at times when I get a hero that I don’t need in that moment but I just go with it since that is the whole point of the mode.
Also if you sux with that hero you will get killed anyway but sometimes it may surpise you if you try.

They took away Competitive CTF.

That’s 100% okay.

This is the disconnect. I called an argument garbage. You choose to get insulted by it. Let’s draw a comparison:

“Calling the earth flat is a garbage argument.”
“You’ve insulted me and called me garbage.”

The argument you presented is not necessarily “the earth is flat”; but that’s how I perceive it because as a game designer, it’s one of the worst reasoning to never develop your game further (“random must be 100% random or it’s not random!”).

I’ll repeat this again, because I don’t mind saying it at all: I don’t know who you are as a person. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. I don’t doubt you’re likely an amazing person.

You might have seen the very typical trope: The whole family is sitting down for dinner. They all love each other. Then someone begins talking politics and they all begin to argue like they want to throw punches. This is just the nature of debates. Some part of our being enjoys fighting for our ideas and beliefs.

But I can teach you one thing. If you don’t like a debate such as this, set your terms from the beginning. “If you wanna argue with me, you have to be polite.” This would have been 100% fair.

This is the last thing that I’ll touch up on: Everyone responds differently. On many occasions, I’ve been incredibly polite only for the people I’ve been debating to rage and flame because someone disagreed with their opinion. Other people have made incredible debates out of a comment that was intended to be banter (such as this).

Yes, please. Add a veto option. I have wanted this for so long.

Every time I get Orisa or Lucio, it just fills my heart with dread since I absolutely get no enjoyment out of playing these heroes, ever. ESPECIALLY if there is no death pit to push people into which is the sole fun aspect of these characters.

I get that the fun of MH is to be able to play characters you normally would not be allowed to, but this is just assuming a player enjoys playing every hero. There is a difference between heroes you never play but actually would love to and heroes you never play because you find them boring. The latter being the one you wouldn’t even want to play during MH, regardless of it being all random or not.

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Patently false. I care.

I do not wish to play on a team in which many of my teammates have banned healers or tanks for themselves. It affects my game directly despite them only banning heroes for themselves.


I don’t enjoy playing Mercy or Rein but I don’t mind getting them either. I need the practice on Rein anyway, and Mercy has always been such a huge asset it’s hard to look a gift horse like that in the mouth.

I don’t think the mode needs a veto though… not a fan of things that limit/remove the Mystery, personally.

I get what you’re saying, I’m not trying to be dense. What I’m saying is that (and I know this is just opinion) most players will not ban heroes they are useless with, most players will ban healers or tanks because they are less “fun.” That in itself is bad for the game.

If statistically Blizz could point out that this is not correct, I could get behind this system for Mystery – but I just don’t trust it to make a better game experience.


i think removing a few heroes from your list is just fine i mean there is no instance where ill ever choose a hanzo or widowmaker…or even a zarya over anyone else. if it does balence to play these heroes…well…balence them to make me want to play them.

I suppose you’re right, that’s a risk. But I think if I could ban the one Hero I dislike the most, the impact is minimised.

And even if it’s three heroes, the impact is less every time they add a new one to the roster. Following launch there have been six heroes added. So even if I vetoed 3 of them, by that measurement my potential hero pool in MH is still greater than it would have been at launch.

Agreed. Leave mystery Heroes alone.

i wouldnt ban any of the healers or tanks just the snipers…im not 1 hitting someone a mile away. the scope isnt good enough.